Top 5 Wednesday: Books I’m Intimidated By

Top Ten Tuesday(1)

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Top 5 Wednesday group on Goodreads!

This week’s theme is books we’re intimidated by and there are a couple that I think I can safely say I am intimidated by but for the most part if I want to read it, I will regardless of size. I mean I didn’t make it through the entire (so far entire, until dang Winds of Winter comes out)  A Song of Ice and Fire series for nothing! Those are some intimidating books I tell you and I’m just really proud of myself for getting through all of those pages….

But I digress, here are my top 5 intimidating books.

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5.) The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #1-5)

I’ve had a copy of this for a while because I really liked the movie, that’s all there really is to it.

The reason I have not read it yet is because it IS a volume with all 5 books in it making it a daunting 815 pages and then there’s the fact that it’s a classic. If there’s one thing that really intimidates me about books it’s the “classic” status. Usually for me that screams “Heather, you probably won’t like it and everyone else will think you’re uncultured swine because of that.” I would feel really bad if I didn’t love a universally loved classic book, the guilt would weigh on me!

However, I think I’ll eventually get around to reading it. I have read a little bit of it and it is as funny as everyone says.


4.) The Lord of the Rings & The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien

The SilmarillionThe Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

Now, if any of you have actually read anything I post ever then you know how much love I have for Middle Earth. I really, really do love Tolkien’s fictional world, BUT I always feel like a hypocrite since I have not actually finished reading “The Lord of the Rings” or “The Silmarillion”. (I’ve come to terms with this and just say yeah I only read “The Hobbit” but I adore all of the movies so I can still call myself a fan.)

I digress, honestly I have a lot of random knowledge about Tolkien’s books without actually having read them (with the exception of “The Hobbit”) so I would like to get even more insight by actually reading and finishing “The Silmarillion” and “The Lord of the Rings”.

Once again the reason I’m intimidated is because it’s a classic and the older writing style usually gets to me, just a pet peeve but I can definitely look past it to read these. (Plus these are looooong books).


3.) Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander (Outlander, #1)

Alright so the reason I want to read this is because: A.) it’s super hyped and everyone loves it and B.) it has its own TV show that I’d really like to watch.

I do own a copy and have read maybe a 100 or so pages and liked it. My problem is that it’s a little bit slow and it’s a romance oriented book for the most part. I don’t like any of those things but from what I read it doesn’t bother me too much. Also the fact that it’s 896 pages long really intimidates the crap out of me.

Hopefully I’ll finish it someday because I may just have to start watching the show in the meantime……

2.) American Gods by Neil Gaiman

American Gods

I like Neil Gaiman so of course I want to read “American Gods”, however, I’m intimidated by the fact that everyone says its a little……weird. I’m talking about the kind of weird that may just not work for me. Also I’m worried I may grow bored with it while reading and it’s 541 pages long, which isn’t terrible but it will be if I’m bored with the story.

We shall have to wait and see since I do have a copy waiting for me on my bookshelf…..


1.) The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)

I am a fantasy lover and this book seems to be everyone’s go to for a fantasy lover. Therefore I must read this book, but it’s large and I’ve never read anything by Rothfuss before so I’m a little leery about reading it. If I put the time and effort into reading this I kind of want a guarantee of loving it, I know I’m weird.

I really do want to read this but there’s just something intimidating about it. Like if I had a copy sitting on my bookshelf I’d probably just have a stare-down with it and say “I see you there and I’m not reading you…yet”. In which case yet is pretty much going to be forever.

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What books are you intimidated by?

Are there any on my list that you have read and hated/loved?

Are you intimidated by any of these books as well?

Have you seen any of these books’ movies or shows?

Let me know in the comments and feel free to leave a link to your Top 5 Wednesday as well!

The Sassy


Top 5 Books That Made Me Cry

Top Ten Tuesday(3)

(…….yeah these made me cry….nothing wrong with it…..)

thehobbitThe Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

That’s right, I read this book with a continuous stream of tears gently rolling down my cheeks, which then turned into hysterical sobbing. Ok, maybe not the entire time but definitely that last bit. Battle of the Five Armies, anyone? Yep everyone you love dies. So tell me….have you read “The Hobbit”? Did you cry? If not please, PLEASE tell me how you managed.


Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

This book really, REALLY tugs at the heartstrings. I was attempting to do my hair while reading this and then I just wound up sitting and sobbing over the book instead of finishing my hair. Yeah. That happened. A lot of shit goes down during zombie apocalypses ( I assume…) and this book depicts that very well. Children getting left behind, losing your loved ones, seeing your loved ones as zombies, you name it. Doesn’t all that sound depressing? Because it is.

snowlikeashesSnow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

While this book isn’t technically supposed to make you cry, it does have it’s moments. This story revolves around the people of the kingdom of Winter trying to reclaim their homeland, there’s only a small group of refugees that aren’t enslaved. Therefore the enslaved Winterians are the part that really got to me. I won’t really say anymore about it in case of spoilers, just know that there’s one or two parts that might get to you… they got to me. Oooooh ominous.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

I believe I don’t even need to explain this one. If you read Harry Potter then you cried. Period. End of Story. Moving on. Next book!


Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Also this is another book that I feel doesn’t need a whole lot of explaining. If you read the Hunger Games series then you cried. But also the fact that this book DID make me cry really says something about how attached I got to the characters, it takes a lot to make me tear up but at the same time….it doesn’t. I’m weird like that.

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Have any of these books made you cry?

Any others that have made you cry?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy