U.S. versus U.K. Book Covers: Part 2

Top Ten Tuesday(57)

I figured it’s been a while since I did a post like this and my original part 1 has been getting a lot of traffic for some reason. So here’s part 2 and I do have several others to discuss so please let me know if you’d like to see a part 3!

You can check out part one here!

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U.S. Versus U.K. Book Covers!

Top Ten Tuesday(57)

This is a type of post so many other book bloggers do so I decided to weigh in with my own opinions! There are surprisingly a TON of differing covers between the UK and the US so I just picked a couple of books I love or ones with covers I love!

These are also in no particular order!

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Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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Winner: U.S. Cover

This one was actually really hard for me to pick between because both covers are so gorgeous! I especially love the naked covers for the UK edition but something about the blue and black coloring and typography on the US cover draws my attention more. It’s darker and a little more mysterious looking which I like more. I don’t own a copy yet but I tell ya it’s going to be hard deciding what edition I really want still……

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

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Winner: U.K. Cover

I like both covers and I hate both covers, let me explain: they’re both gorgeous in their own ways but I have Lepidopterophobia which is a fear of the butterfly family which includes moths. That’s right I’m a big baby who is terrified of butterflies and moths! So these covers both creep me out but are still pretty, I’m a mess. Pretty much the ONLY reason I’m picking the UK cover over the US cover is because the UK edition has blue pages!

And I Darken by Kiersten White

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Winner: U.K. Cover

I REALLY LOVE BOTH OF THESE, THEY’RE BOTH SO BEAUTIFUL! However, as much as I loved the pretty purple flower being impaled I just have to say I love the UK cover a bit more. I usually don’t like cover models but this one is amazing because it shows Lada’s character perfectly.

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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Winner: U.S. Cover

I actually like the original cover for “An Ember in the Ashes” more than this current US edition but that’s a topic for another post….

I like the sand, typography, and the character’s billowing cloaks a lot more than the more simplistic UK cover that doesn’t have much except some sparkly looking embers.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

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Winner: U.S. Cover

As I’ve said before I don’t really like cover models and/or faces on my book covers, they just aren’t as appealing to me. I much prefer the US cover that has a more minimalist approach to it.

And The Trees Crept In/ The Creeper Man by Dawn Kurtagich

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Winner: U.S. Cover

As much as I like how creepy “The Creeper Man” cover is and how the shadow of the creeper man is over her face, I just like the much prettier US cover better. The US cover is not only very pretty but also still very eerie at the same time.

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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Winner: U.K. Cover

Once again I’ll say I don’t much care for people/faces on my book covers so of course I’m going to go with the UK cover that has a very pretty, simple white background with some blue!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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Winner: U.K. Cover

These book covers are virtually the same thing except I really LOVE the white background with the blue on the UK Cover….very similar to the Mistborn ones….

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

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Winner: U.S. Cover

That UK Cover……honey no. I like the crown, sword, and vines against the black background much better than the face on the white background.

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

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Winner: U.S. Cover

I’m sorry but the UK cover for this one is super ugly, I honestly don’t know why they wouldn’t just use the US cover for both because it’s so much better. I love the cover model more and the typography covering everything as well!

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

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Winner: U.S. Cover

Once again this one was really close because I really like both covers but I have to say I like the US one more only because I love the title’s font, otherwise I’d pick the UK one since that raven is gorgeous and I love the book quote.

Alice by Christina Henry

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Winner: U.K. Cover

While I do enjoy the US cover and love how creepy it is I think I like the UK cover better because of the swirling design and clocks!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Tayor

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Winner: U.K. Cover

I really do like the pop of color on the US covers but it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story itself which is why I like the UK cover more. The UK cover is actually more relevant to the story and ties in better.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

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Winner: U.S.  Cover

I do really like both of these covers as well but I don’t really like how the entire series of UK covers all look exactly the same just with different character silhouettes. I like the differing covers with the US series and I really enjoy how minimalistic they are.

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Which covers are your favorite?

Do you prefer any of these US or UK covers over the other?

Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy