Winter TBR: Books I Need to Read This Winter

Top Ten Tuesday(5)

Well I decided to do a post about all the books I need to read this winter (obviously) and by winter I mean at least through January because who knows how long it’ll take me to read all of these? Most of these are recently purchased books too, so I REALLY need to get my butt in gear.

I wish I could read faster!

1.) These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly

These Shallow Graves

I recently bough this book and I feel like it’s going to be a good one. I’ve read a lot of great, positive reviews on this and hopefully it doesn’t let me down!

Description (From Goodreads)

Set in gilded age New York, These Shallow Graves follows the story of Josephine Montfort, an American aristocrat. Jo lives a life of old-money ease. Not much is expected of her other than to look good and marry well. But when her father dies due to an accidental gunshot, the gilding on Jo’s world starts to tarnish. With the help of a handsome and brash reporter, and a young medical student who moonlights in the city morgue, Jo uncovers the truth behind her father’s death and learns that if you’re going to bury the past, you’d better bury it deep.

2.) Alice by Christina Henry


Once again, a recent purchase. I’ve also heard great things about “Alice” and that it’s not only a fantastic horror book but also a very dark retelling of….you guessed it Alice in Wonderland. What’s not to like here?

Description (From Goodreads)

In a warren of crumbling buildings and desperate people called the Old City, there stands a hospital with cinderblock walls which echo the screams of the poor souls inside.
In the hospital, there is a woman. Her hair, once blond, hangs in tangles down her back. She doesn’t remember why she’s in such a terrible place. Just a tea party long ago, and long ears, and blood…
Then, one night, a fire at the hospital gives the woman a chance to escape, tumbling out of the hole that imprisoned her, leaving her free to uncover the truth about what happened to her all those years ago.
Only something else has escaped with her. Something dark. Something powerful.
And to find the truth, she will have to track this beast to the very heart of the Old City, where the rabbit waits for his Alice.

3.) The Suffering by Rin Chupeco

The Suffering (The Girl from the Well, #2)

The sequel to “The Girl From the Well” which I obviously need to read since I loved the first one so much! Everyone keeps asking me why I do this to myself, reading scary books and getting scared. And the answer is I clearly like tormenting myself.

Description (From Goodreads)

It’s been two years since Tark Halloway’s nightmare ended. Free from the evil spirit that haunted him all his life, he now aids the ghostly Okiku and avenges the souls of innocent children by hunting down their murderers. But when Okiku becomes responsible for a death at his high school, Tark begins to wonder if they’re no better than the killers they seek out.
When an old friend disappears in Aokigahara, Japan’s infamous ‘suicide forest’, both must resolve their differences and return to that country of secrets to find her.
Because there is a strange village inside Aokigahara, a village people claim does not exist. A village where strange things lie waiting.
A village with old ghosts and an ancient evil – one that may be stronger than even Okiku…

4.) The Child Thief by Brom

The Child ThiefI recently purchased this bad boy on my Kindle because it was only *drumroll please* $1.99 on Amazon! If that’s not a great deal I don’t know what is! I’ve also heard nothing but great things about this book AND Peter Pan is my favorite Disney character. This is supposed to be a very dark retelling of Peter Pan, here’s the super long description for it.

Description (From Goodreads)

Fourteen-year-old Nick would have been murdered by the drug dealers preying on his family had Peter not saved him. Now the irresistibly charismatic wild boy wants Nick to follow him to a secret place of great adventure, where magic is alive and you never grow old. Even though he is wary of Peter’s crazy talk of faeries and monsters, Nick agrees. After all, New York City is no longer safe for him, and what more could he possibly lose?
There is always more to lose.
Accompanying Peter to a gray and ravished island that was once a lush, enchanted paradise, Nick finds himself unwittingly recruited for a war that has raged for centuries—one where he must learn to fight or die among the “Devils,” Peter’s savage tribe of lost and stolen children.
There, Peter’s dark past is revealed: left to wolves as an infant, despised and hunted, Peter moves restlessly between the worlds of faerie and man. The Child Thief is a leader of bloodthirsty children, a brave friend, and a creature driven to do whatever he must to stop the “Flesh-eaters” and save the last, wild magic in this dying land.

5.) MARY: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan

Once again I purchased this on Amazon for only $0.99, I really CAN’T resist deals like that because if the book’s bad who cares? It was only $0.99. Besides I have a weakness for anything horror.

Description (From Goodreads)

MARY: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1)There is a right way and a wrong way to summon her.
Jess had done the research. Success requires precision: a dark room, a mirror, a candle, salt, and four teenage girls. Each of them–Jess, Shauna, Kitty, and Anna–must link hands, follow the rules . . . and never let go.
A thrilling fear spins around the room the first time Jess calls her name: “Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. BLOODY MARY.” A ripple of terror follows when a shadowy silhouette emerges through the fog, a specter trapped behind the mirror.
Once is not enough, though–at least not for Jess. Mary is called again. And again. But when their summoning circle is broken, Bloody Mary slips through the glass with a taste for revenge on her lips. As the girls struggle to escape Mary’s wrath, loyalties are questioned, friendships are torn apart, and lives are forever altered.
A haunting trail of clues leads Shauna on a desperate search to uncover the legacy of Mary Worth. What she finds will change everything, but will it be enough to stop Mary–and Jess–before it’s too late?

6.) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)Yes I have this book and yes I’ve been procrastinating reading it because I’m lazy. It’s a pretty decent sized book…..maybe I’m intimidated by it. I don’t know. All I know is I NEED to finish it soon because it’s a YA fantasy book AND everyone seems to love it. Hopefully this one’s better than Bardugo’s “Shadow & Bone” which I thought was too light on the fantasy part.

Description (From Goodreads)

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone…
A convict with a thirst for revenge.
A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager.
A runaway with a privileged past.
A spy known as the Wraith.
A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums.
A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.
Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

7.) Dreamstrider by Lindsay Smith

DreamstriderI admit that I really, REALLY wanted this book because of how gorgeous the cover looked. BUT I also liked the blurb a lot as well. So I didn’t just buy it for the cover even though the cover is awesome. The book also kind of sounds like “Inception” you know the awesome movie with Leonardo DiCaprio in it? Yes? No? If you haven’t watched that go do it now because that movie is the shit.

Description (From Goodreads)

A high-concept, fantastical espionage novel set in a world where dreams are the ultimate form of political intelligence.
Livia is a dreamstrider. She can inhabit a subject’s body while they are sleeping and, for a short time, move around in their skin. She uses her talent to work as a spy for the Barstadt Empire. But her partner, Brandt, has lately become distant, and when Marez comes to join their team from a neighborhing kingdom, he offers Livia the option of a life she had never dared to imagine. Livia knows of no other dreamstriders who have survived the pull of Nightmare. So only she understands the stakes when a plot against the Empire emerges that threatens to consume both the dreaming world and the waking one with misery and rage.
A richly conceived world full of political intrigue and fantastical dream sequences, at its heart Dreamstrider is about a girl who is struggling to live up to the potential before her.

8.) The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

The GrownupI’ve made it my mission in life to obtain everything that Gillian Flynn writes. She’s that good and I’ve already read all of her other books. Now this one is only a 64 page story so I COULD buy it for like $2.99 on my Kindle BUT my local library has it available for me to just borrow via Kindle, so I put it on hold and  I am (not so) patiently waiting my turn to read it Because why would I pass up just getting to read it for free instead of buying it?

Description (From Goodreads)

A canny young woman is struggling to survive by perpetrating various levels of mostly harmless fraud. On a rainy April morning, she is reading auras at Spiritual Palms when Susan Burke walks in. A keen observer of human behavior, our unnamed narrator immediately diagnoses beautiful, rich Susan as an unhappy woman eager to give her lovely life a drama injection. However, when the “psychic” visits the eerie Victorian home that has been the source of Susan’s terror and grief, she realizes she may not have to pretend to believe in ghosts anymore. Miles, Susan’s teenage stepson, doesn’t help matters with his disturbing manner and grisly imagination. The three are soon locked in a chilling battle to discover where the evil truly lurks and what, if anything, can be done to escape it

9.) Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)Yes I bought this book because it’s hyped out of control, will I come to regret that decision? Only time will tell. I love a good science fiction novel and the formatting for this book looks REALLY cool, kind of like “The Dead House” which I reviewed and included pictures of the neat formatting you can look at that here if you’re interested.

Description (From Goodreads)

This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do.
This afternoon, her planet was invaded.
The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than an ice-covered speck at the edge of the universe. Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it. With enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to fight their way onto an evacuating fleet, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit.
But their problems are just getting started. A deadly plague has broken out and is mutating, with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI, which should be protecting them, may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a tangled web of data to find the truth, it’s clear only one person can help her bring it all to light: the ex-boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again.

And there’s obviously a TON of other books sitting on my shelves and digital shelves that are awaiting reading but alas they must wait their turns.

Hopefully this post may have given you guys some new books to add to your never ending TBR’s!

Are there any books on here that you’ve read? If so did you enjoy them or not so much? Feel free to leave any answers in the comments! I love to hear from you guys! 

The Sassy

13 thoughts on “Winter TBR: Books I Need to Read This Winter

  1. The Book Adventurer November 14, 2015 / 6:36 pm

    These shallow graves *jumping up and down* read it first, you must read it first 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek November 14, 2015 / 6:50 pm

      I think I can do that for you, haha! I just need to finish up my ARC I’m reading currently and then I definitely can start “These Shallow Graves”!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. smilenlaugh96 November 14, 2015 / 6:55 pm

    I’ve read the Illuminea & it’s really good!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek November 14, 2015 / 7:35 pm

      Great, I’m glad you liked it! Hopefully I enjoy it just as much, I’m pretty excited to read it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. mybookishdream November 14, 2015 / 10:54 pm

    Definitely adding These Shallow Graves and Alice to my TBR. They both sound like books that I would enjoy. 😀 Thank you for the recommendation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek November 15, 2015 / 1:08 am

      No problem, I’m so glad you found some books to add! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them when you read them!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. TheQuirkyBookNerd November 16, 2015 / 7:52 pm

    This is a fantastic selection of books! I have a number of these on my TBR for the next few months as well 🙂 I actually just recently added The Child Thief and Alice to my TBR. I can’t wait to get to them; they both sound like they are going to be very interesting (and creepy)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek November 16, 2015 / 8:03 pm

      Thanks! I added both of those BECAUSE they sounded creepy and I hope they don’t let us down. If only we could all read faster, right? Haha 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. rakiyang November 18, 2015 / 10:58 pm

    Sone of thr books you listed sound amazing. More books to add to my kist, it never ends! I have about 30 books I want to finish by March 20th. I really don’t think that’s going to happen so I think I’ll change my goal to 10 books by the end of Winter, whenever that might be.

    Liked by 1 person

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