Top 5 Wednesday: Fictional Items I Would Love To Own

Top Ten Tuesday(1)

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey from the Top 5 Wednesday Group on Goodreads.

This week’s theme is fictional items, which there are definitely plenty of. I’m going to TRY and stick with items from books but I may wander into the movie or TV realm as well. Most of these books were made into movies too so don’t hold that against me!

my page divider

5.) Hermes’ Flying Shoes (Percy Jackson & The Olympians)

Flying shoes would definitely help me out in reaching some stuff on the top shelves at the grocery store and not to mention I think Converse are extremely stylish.

4.) Firefly-Class Transport Ship (Firefly & Serenity)

I am a HUGE Firefly fan ok? So if I could just get my own ship and have that crew I’d be golden. Besides….who doesn’t want their own spaceship?

3.) Firebolt Broomstick (Harry Potter)

I think you may begin to see a pattern here, I like things that fly. Sure I could have a wand but really I’d LOVE to have a Firebolt or just any flying broomstick really. But why not have the best and just go with a Firebolt?

2.) Sting (The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings)

Because I NEED to have something from Middle Earth on this list! I didn’t want the One Ring though, that’s just bad news all around. So I’ll settle for Bilbo’s sword Sting, which glows blue when there are Orcs nearby. It’s pretty AND practical.

1.) A Lightsaber (Star Wars)

So I think this list is composed mostly of stuff that lets me fly and swords, all of which are extremely cool. I COULD NOT have this list be complete without a lightsaber on it though! It’s my MOST wanted fictional item, even though I would most definitely injure or maim myself and others if I ever actually got one…….

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That wraps up this week’s Top 5 Wednesday!

Are there any items on this list you would want as well? Any that you would want that I didn’t include?

Let me know in the comments! Feel free to leave a link to your Top 5 Wednesday as well!

The Sassy

12 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Fictional Items I Would Love To Own

  1. Carlene March 16, 2016 / 4:34 pm

    I thought about Sting as well! I love your list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek March 16, 2016 / 4:46 pm

      Sting is definitely a great pick and thank you for reading! 🙂


  2. Anna @MyBookishDream March 16, 2016 / 5:16 pm

    I would love to have Hermes’ Flying Shoes, they are amazing – plus I do love Converse, so that’s even better! XD YESSS for Sting – it would be so amazing to have anything from Middle-Earth! 😀 Though I agree, the Ring would be dangerous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek March 16, 2016 / 6:31 pm

      Yes, Converse are so awesome. I used to own at least 5 pairs easily, haha. I sat here trying to think of anything from Middle Earth I’d love to have and all I could keep thinking was NOT any rings of power haha. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anna @MyBookishDream March 17, 2016 / 12:08 am

        Hahaha, me as well. I currently own two pairs. I agree – everything but the ring. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek March 16, 2016 / 6:32 pm

      I know right? I had to include it and it’s my favorite out of the other fictional Middle Earth items. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ravenandbeez March 16, 2016 / 6:24 pm

    Hahaha! We were going to include the Hermes flying shoes too! But we do have the lightsabers in common

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek March 16, 2016 / 6:33 pm

      I just had to add something from Percy Jackson and those shoes are my fave, haha. And YES to lightsabers, definitely my all time favorite fictional item! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek March 17, 2016 / 3:55 pm

      Oh me too, no doubt. But I’d just use it for…..zoom zooming. I suppose to wizards that’d be like going and buying some baseball gear and then not playing baseball etc. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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