Discussion Post: Self-Promoting Blog Comments

Top Ten Tuesday(59)

I actually had this come up this week and tweeted my slight irritation about it on Twitter and I was actually surprised that a lot of you had problems with it before! Thank you so much to all of you who replied to that tweet and inspiring this post: Michelle @ Book Adventures, Swetlana @ Reading Through The Nights, & Joce @ Write Through The Night!

So of course that gave me the idea to bring the discussion over to my blog and hear from the rest of you as well!

Of course everything I’ve written in this post is just my own opinion, I’m not trying to offend anyone by any means. Please keep that in mind while reading or commenting back! Thank you!

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What Exactly Do I Mean By “Self-Promoting Blog Comments”?

Just to clarify what this whole discussion is I’m talking about other bloggers who leave comments on our blogs that are only self-promoting their own blogs. For example those comments that are: “Hey check out my blog!” or “Hey, nice blog check out mine!” or even “I have a blog, bookstagram, booktube channel please follow them!” or literally just a link to their blogs and it goes on and on and on.

Strictly any comments that don’t discuss the content of your blog or post at all and only discuss their own blogs and material.

So What’s So Bad About It?

To be blunt it can get pretty annoying and down right rude at times. We all put a lot of effort and time into our blogs and posts and to have someone just comment on it to self promote themselves and not acknowledge YOUR content at all  is a little impolite. I mean I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if we went over and commented “Hey check out my blog!” on THEIR posts would they?

When it all comes down to it we are all here, blogging, to chat with other people with similar interests ( in this case mostly books!) and it’s hard to do that when some bloggers only care about getting views by leaving comments all over the place self-promoting themselves. I think the phrase “what goes around comes around” really applies to this because if you don’t LEAVE genuine comments then you probably aren’t going to GET genuine comments either.

When Is It OK To Leave “Self-Promoting” Comments?

There’s a very fine line between ONLY self promoting yourself like in the examples I’ve used and leaving a link to your blog or post while also leaving an appropriate comment on the other blogger’s post. I personally am 100% fine with you dropping a link to one of your posts if it’s relevant to mine or what we were discussing! I will be much, much more likely to check out your blog if you leave a more meaningful comment!

So if you wanna drop a link to your blog or post, do it! As long as you are also leaving a genuine comment on our posts as well and not JUST trying to get views and visitors to your blog.

Tip To New Bloggers: If you want to converse with other bloggers and maybe have us check out your new blog then all you have to do is like what I said above! Leave a more meaningful comment and maybe explain that you’re new and looking for other bloggers to talk to and we will be much more inclined to go over and check it out!

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What are some of your experiences with this?

How do you deal with self-promotional comments on your blog?

What are your thoughts on bloggers leaving self-promotional comments?

Join the discussion and let me know in the comments!

The Sassy

52 thoughts on “Discussion Post: Self-Promoting Blog Comments

  1. TeacherofYA May 26, 2017 / 11:51 am

    I had a couple who started a blog just comment a couple times with, “Come follow our blog at X.” Luckily it ended up in spam so I left it there. I get it if your blog isn’t WordPress and you leave a link after a comment so I can find you (since you’re obviously not on WP and I wouldn’t be able to find you otherwise), but besides that, there’s no reason to do it. Ugh! 😑

    Liked by 2 people

    • thesassygeek May 26, 2017 / 11:55 am

      I hadn’t thought of non WP users but that is an excellent point and also a very good reason to leave a link but really no matter what platform you’re on you should leave a comment with a little more substance than “hey look at this”. But at least with WP you don’t have to leave a link for us to find you so I definitely get you there!
      The only comments like this ended up in my spam as well and I left them there too. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. RamblesAndBooks May 26, 2017 / 11:54 am

    I’m new to the blogging community and I find it awkward when people leave the links about their channels on YouTube or or on blogs. And as you said self promotion is fine and acceptable when it is related to a particular content. This blog is well put, echoes my thoughts exactly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 26, 2017 / 12:02 pm

      Thank you glad you agree! I definitely think there’s nothing wrong with putting your name and blog out there but people also need to be a little more polite with going about it sometimes! 😁


  3. Lila May 26, 2017 / 11:55 am

    i 100% agree with you! i’ve only had one self promotional comment (thank god!) and it was from an author, of all people! it’s pretty annoying, but my policy is just to delete those comments on sight, because they honestly clog up my comments section in my opinion. i think most of the time people who make these kind of comments generally are new to the community and just don’t know any better, but that doesn’t make it any less obnoxious, especially when you see that the same person has done the same thing all over *other* blogs too! i think the best way to get someone to check out your site is to leave thoughtful comments because even if i disagree with what you’re saying, if i like your thinking process i’ll want to get to know it better by checking out your blog. anyhoo thanks for the great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 1:47 pm

      Thank you!
      I’ve only had a few of these types of comments and thank God for WordPress’s spam blocking otherwise I’d probably have had a few more!
      I usually don’t approve those comments or do like you said and just delete them because I also don’t like them clogging up my real, genuine comments.
      Like you said most comments come from new people but when I was new I didn’t self promote myself on other blogs by spamming everyone. It is obnoxious when someone goes around to tons of blogs just dropping links and not saying anything else!
      I also agree 100% that the best way to get traffic is to leave thoughtful comments! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ashley May 26, 2017 / 12:48 pm

    I’ve only had one person do this and it annoyed me so damn much. Just don’t do it. I feel like it’s okay of the post is a meme post to link your post in the comments after you have written a meaningful comment. I’m less likely to follow someone’s blog if they comment follow for follow, it’s such a turn off. Like, I get that newbies want to gain followers but it’s more likely to happen organically than forcefully.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 2:11 pm

      100% my thoughts too Ashley! I don’t mind if someone drops a link along with a thoughtful comment like you said but otherwise just don’t do it, it’s rude! I’m definitely the same way as far as follow for a follow because I’d rather have genuine followers in the first place! If new people want more traffic the best way to do it is go around leaving genuine comments and not “hey come look at my blog!”.


      • ashley May 31, 2017 / 2:15 pm

        It really is! There’s also so many “newbie blogger advice” posts out there too, that all it takes is a little searching. A lot of the posts advise against “follow for follow” comments. I think bloggers need to realize that just because you followed me, does not mean I’m going to follow you back, it’s the same thing with Instagram.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thesassygeek June 5, 2017 / 10:18 am

        Exactly! The information is out there for newbies so really there is no excuse for it and I agree that a lot of bloggers do need to realize the follow for a follow thing really doesn’t work or apply. I’ll follow someone if their content interests me but not just because they followed me!


      • ashley June 5, 2017 / 11:56 am

        There really is no excuse, I think it comes down to laziness. I am so particular about the blogs I follow.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thesassygeek June 5, 2017 / 12:42 pm

        And that’s a good way to be in my opinion, I just don’t like clogging up my feed with blogs whose content I don’t enjoy!


  5. TheQuirkyBookNerd May 26, 2017 / 12:58 pm

    This is a fantastic post, Heather, and a great topic to choose! I completely agree with you on this! Self promotion is totally acceptable if it relates to the post and comes with a relevant comment. It’s so frustrating to feel like your posts aren’t being read after you work so hard on them. I totally don’t mind when people add to the discussion and link to a post of theirs that does the same, and even if some writes a thoughtful comment and links me to their blog in general. But the ones that are just self promotion or only a link I usually tend to ignore.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 2:24 pm

      Thank you so much Ariana! 🙂
      Like you said it is very frustrating to see someone so blatantly ignore the post we put time into just to try and get us to look at theirs!
      I definitely don’t mind a link if it’s added politely are is relevant to the post or conversation!
      I ignore the comments and links that are strictly about themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Beth (Reading Every Night) May 26, 2017 / 1:20 pm

    This is a great discussion Heather. I have had a few self-promoting comments, and nine times out of ten it’s comments where people have read the post they’ve commented on and added their link at the bottom. I don’t mind that as much because like you said they’re acknowledge my content rather than just promoting their own. I’m not a fan of the ones that just promote their own blog because it feels like all their interested in is getting followers and that’s not what I’m interested in you know? I’m blogging for the interaction and the community.
    Again great post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 2:53 pm

      Thank you Beth!
      Like I mentioned I 100% do not mind dropping a link in with a thoughtful comment at all it’s strictly the “hey check out my blog” type comments that bother me. Those comments really are all about gaining followers more than really wanting to interact and like you said that’s not what this is about! I also blog to actually chat with people about books, it’s not all about stats! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) May 31, 2017 / 3:12 pm

        That’s all right.
        Yeah those tend to annoy me as well. I used to do the whole “follow for follow” thing back when I first started. Now I’m a lot more selective about who I do follow because blog hopping takes a lot of time and that’s the reason I’m blogging. I like to follow people who blog for the same reasons I do in the end. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. stephaniesbookreviews May 26, 2017 / 1:29 pm

    I’ve only had a couple occasions where someone left a completely self-promoting comment and I mostly just ignore them. I have no problem with people leaving a link to their blog at the end of their comment or if I’m doing a popular meme, like Top Ten Tuesday, and leave a link to their post after coming on mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:03 pm

      🙂 I usually either ignore them or delete them if they somehow snuck past me. Those instances are both pretty much the only time I don’t mind links is if it is a blog one at the end of a thoughtful comment or Top Ten Tuesday etc which I do as well.
      Otherwise the “hey look at my blog” ones drive me nuts!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. amortalreader1 May 26, 2017 / 1:35 pm

    This annoys me so much especially when it’s like you say not related at all and simply just come follow my blog. I feel like it is so rude and I wouldn’t ever dream of doing that to someone else. It takes a few minutes to read a blog post so they could add a little bit linked to your topic too. I usually delete the comments if they don’t go to spam and I don’t click to check out because they haven’t been kind to even read a post.
    Their is the line where like you say if you have done a similar post, done a review recently on the same book etc that I love when people share their links so I can check out what I might have missed!
    Great discussion!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:21 pm

      Glad it isn’t just me thank you Hannah! 🙂
      I just find it so rude, like you said, to ignore someone’s post and only try and promote yourself! I know when people are new they want traffic but like you I said I’d never go around self-promoting myself like that!
      I make a point not to click the links because like you said they weren’t nice enough to read the post they left their link on.
      I definitely do not mind links to similar posts or a blog link with a thoughtful comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. mistysbookspace May 26, 2017 / 1:39 pm

    I fortunately haven’t came across this on my blog and I hope I don’t. I agree with you it is very annoying and rude. It’s like they are saying they don’t ever care about our posts they only care about getting more followers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:24 pm

      You’re lucky! I’m glad you agree because it just bothers me that they expect you to go look at their stuff when they didn’t return the favor in the first place, that just screams ” I only want more followers” !

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  10. Jess (beaucoupbooks) May 26, 2017 / 2:53 pm

    I actually don’t mind these types of comments all that much, though I feel that they are quite ineffective as I don’t think I’ve ever clicked on a link someone has left me in the comments 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:26 pm

      They are fairly easy to ignore but it does still bother me, of course not enough to have a whole meltdown or anything, haha! And they are pretty ineffective because I don’t click the links ever either! 🙂


  11. Bionic Book Worm May 26, 2017 / 4:53 pm

    I don’t have a problem with it if they’re posting a link to something that relates. But I’ve had quite a few just comment with a link to their site. I do find it quite awkward!! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:27 pm

      Thank you! 🙂
      Exactly! As long it’s relevant or polite I have no problem with it! It’s only when it’s a just link or “hey come check my blog out” that I ignore them.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Whimsically Meghan May 26, 2017 / 6:44 pm

    Preach girl! I completely agree with you! I had this one person keep commenting on my blog to check out their posts… I just ignored them and I think they got the message, but seriously?!?! It’s so annoying to have someone look at your blog, only to say I should check out theirs, like why should I? You didn’t make any effort to try and notice my content! Okay I’m done ranting, haha. Great post! It is extremely relatable! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:28 pm

      I literally laughed so hard at your comment, THANK YOU! 🙂
      That’s really the part that bugs me the most is that they don’t care at all to read your post or blog but want you to go look at theirs, rude!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Whimsically Meghan May 31, 2017 / 3:35 pm

        Haha, I’m glad to be a source of entertainment! You are very welcome! 😀
        Right?! It’s like please don’t comment if you’re just going to self-promote.
        When I first started out I followed some back, but then when I wasn’t commenting on their posts they’d come back to my posts to ask why I haven’t checked them out… can you believe that?!? The nerve! And no that person never took the time to like or comment on anything of mine. So infuriating! I think you can tell this is a touchy subject as I keep finding myself ranting haha! 😛

        Liked by 2 people

      • thesassygeek June 5, 2017 / 11:38 am

        Oh wow! I can’t believe they’d come back and ask why you haven’t checked them out, that’s just ridiculous! Like come on I know you’ve got to have better things to be doing!
        I’m glad these things don’t just tick me off too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Emma The Book Lover May 26, 2017 / 7:46 pm

    Ugh I agree 100%. It just makes me sad when I get all excited about a new comment and then it is just “Maybe check out my blog!” with nothing else. It obviously means they didn’t read my post, or don’t care enough to add something about it 😦 But one thing I do like is when people like their top ten Tuesdays! But this usually always comes with a sweet comment too so there is never an issue there 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:36 pm

      Yes! I love comments and then there’s those few that are like this that are just a bummer because, like you said, they obviously didn’t take the time to even read the post! The only comments I don’t mind are thoughtful comments with a blog link or the Top Ten Tuesday link ups! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Emma The Book Lover June 1, 2017 / 5:35 pm

        Yep exactly same!!!

        Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:37 pm

      I literally felt my heart drop at that! Like “oh no! not on this post too!” haha! It definitely is an annoying thing some people do though. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. celestialblackrose May 27, 2017 / 1:14 am

    This happens with everything. I post my art to deviantart and there’s been a few times when someone has advertised their commissions and stuff on my posts. Not to mention all the times on roleplaying on GaiaOnline and people advertise their stuff there on your threads when it’s not wanted. It is really annoying if it’s just the comment itself. I usually delete it and move on. I find it rude that you’re only interested in promoting yourself and don’t care that you’re stepping over someone else. Although, like you said, I’m okay with it if it’s tied to a meaningful comment. I think that’s really the way it’s supposed to be, and the best way to get followers. Everyone wants them, so help someone else out with comments/follows and they’ll return in kind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:43 pm

      Oh wow I think advertising stuff for sale is worse!
      Like you said I also just find it so rude to only comment about yourself instead of even acknowledging the person whose post you’re on! I definitely don’t mind a link if it’s relevant or with a thoughtful comment at all and like you said it really is a great way to get genuine followers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Hungry Bookworm May 28, 2017 / 9:48 am

    As a pretty new blogger, I haven’t experienced this yet, but I do find it annoying when I peruse other blogs. The comments are supposed to have useful, relevant information or lead to an open discussion and strictly promotional comments don’t do either of those things. Good honest post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek May 31, 2017 / 3:45 pm

      Yes, 100% agree that self promotional comments are very ineffective that way, they aren’t relevant at all!
      Thank you! 🙂


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  17. Summer @ Xingsings June 2, 2017 / 9:41 pm

    I think there’s nothing wrong with blog hopping and commenting on other blogs so that you’ll increase the traffic of our own, because otherwise how else are you to make friends or have your blog known? But I 100% agree that the exclusively self promo comments are not really tasteful.

    In the past when I got notifications for comments like this or ones where the self promotion part of the comment is longer than their actual comment about my post (for example “Great Post! Check out my blog here [insert link of their blog]”) I would ignore them. Though they’re taking time to comment on my content… they’re leaving too generic of response that it makes me question whether or not they read my post at all. Plus, if someone doesn’t have any interest in what I write… it’s very unlikely that I’m going to check out and see what they’ve written.

    Anyway, the blogging community almost makes it seem like every comment is important and that it’s taboo to prefer some comments over others but this was a much needed post to be written. Awesome discussion, Heather!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thesassygeek June 5, 2017 / 12:21 pm

      Blog hopping is an excellent way to increase traffic, I do it as well! The only thing I don’t like is the self-promotional comments that don’t leave anything but a “hey check my blog out!”.
      The big part of why I find them annoying is like you said, it’s very questionable that they read the content or post at all in the first place. That’s also an excellent point! If they aren’t interested in our writing it probably goes both ways!
      That’s also very true about this community, we feel every comment is important and in a way they are! But when it comes down to comments that are generic like some of these then I just feel they lose that importance.
      Thank you very much Summer and thanks for your insight on this topic too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. AvalinahsBooks June 11, 2017 / 1:44 am

    Hahaha, so true 😀 I’ve also noticed that these usually come from people whose content is of very doubtful value. I also find it quite… distasteful when people do that. I’ve even had some eye rolling moments when there’s a linkup, I will read and press “like” because their post is literally so empty of anything I could connect with, so I can’t even comment, but nooo, a like is not enough 😀 they will come back, link drop and say, hey, check out my post too 😀 oh my gosh.
    I love commentluv though. Solves this problem, mostly. It’s why it was like the first plugin I installed 😀
    I also sometimes leave links in comments, but very rarely – when ita relevant – but due to these constant link droppers I always feel uncomfortable doing that xD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek June 12, 2017 / 2:49 pm

      Wow seriously? That’s ridiculous! You would think a view and a like would definitely be good enough for someone going around dropping links!
      I really haven’t had too many problems with this yet but hopefully it gets spammed right away. I usually don’t leave links unless they’re relevant either but still very rarely! 🙂


  19. lorraineanne October 21, 2017 / 3:25 am

    as a new blogger i find this extremely helpful and insightful. to be honest, starting off as a newbie on this site i feel a bit lost but as i continue to immerse myself in the community and interact with other fellow bloggers who offer their advice, inspiration, and two cents it provides me with more direction in how the blogging world works. also i appreciate the honesty and authenticity in your post. i thought it was funny bc i almost found myself being that person for a second lol not realizing how ineffective and inconsiderate it was.. anyway thanks again for this post, ill definitely be keeping this in mind from now on 👌🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek October 30, 2017 / 2:47 pm

      Thank you I’m so glad you found this post helpful! Starting out a new blog isn’t easy but everyone for the most part is super friendly and helpful so don’t be shy or afraid to ask anything! Good luck with your new blog as well! 🙂


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