Book Fangirling Award


I was tagged to do this award by Raquel at Rakioddbooks and Michelle at Book Adventures, thank you both so much for the nomination! Be sure to click the links to check out their answers and blogs as well, guys!

The Rules:

  •  Create a post to accept your reward.
  •  Answer the questions at the end.
  • Nominate 5 – 10 bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.

my page divider

Raquel’s Questions:

1.) If you could turn a book into a drink, which book would you choose and into what drink?

I’m going to be semi-unoriginal and say I’d turn “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” into a mug of Butterbeer. I’m lame and have never tried it, it makes me really sad thinking about it but when I DO get my hands on some it will be glorious.

2.) If you had to coordinate your makeup or clothes to a book cover, which book and how?

I’m terrible at these kinds of things but I’ figure I’d do “The Winner’s Curse” with a pink ruffle shirt, black sparkly pants, and a dagger necklace. I couldn’t decide on nice boots by they’d be boots. (Seriously, I’m not a big clothes person. Forgive me!)

3.) If you were transported into a book and were able to interact with book characters, which character do you think would be more likely to accept the fact that they’re not “real”?

Well obviously I’d like to go to Middle-Earth but I do think there’s a couple characters that would be able to handle news of their fictitious state. Gandalf being the main one, he’s so wise and powerful he probably already knows…….

4.) Which movie do you wish was turned into a book.

This is kind of a hard one seeing as movies I usually like do already have some sort of bookish format (graphic novels, comic books, etc.), but I’d probably have to go with The Mummy. There’s too many movies I love that aren’t books but The Mummy has been a loooooooong time favorite of mine (if not all time favorite) and all of that action and adventure would make for a great book.

(by the way this is just my favorite gif ever….so much derp and badass all in one)

5.) If you could eat a book, which book would you eat and what would it taste like?

The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn, #1)

I would eat “The Wrath & The Dawn” and it would taste like cotton candy because it’s super sweet, lots of fluff, and is just downright delicious and awesome!


my page divider

Michelle’s Questions:

1. What has been your favorite read so far this year?

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

I’ve read a couple really awesome ones but “Illuminae” is definitely the best one so far! It was just non-stop twists and turns, I couldn’t stop reading.

2. You’re favorite piece of Bookish Merchandise?

I really don’t have any bookish merchandise to be honest, it’s kind of embarrassing. So I guess I’ll just go with my two Game of Thrones Funko Pops and my Cheshire Cat pillow that says “We’re All Mad Here”.


3. If you had to coordinate your makeup or clothes to a book cover, which book and how?

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)

Once again, not great at this. I’ll do a look for “Six of Crows”: Red off the shoulder top, black leather pants, cute red/black boots, with a black crow necklace.


4.  If you can eat a book, which book would you eat and what would it taste like?

See #5 Above. (Sorry Michelle, I had a hard enough time thinking up one book :/ )

5. Who is your ultimate book boyfriend/girlfriend?

Honestly none really stick out a ton but there are a few that I like more than the average character…..

Well I feel like I’d be creepy if I said Magnus Chase from “The Sword of Summer”, something about that blonde hair……

So in the hopes of not being creepy, I’ll say George Weasley from the Harry Potter series, he’s just so cute and funny. I’m a sucker for a good sense of humor.

I feel bad picking one twin over the other but if I can have both I won’t complain……

my page dividerMy Questions:

1.) What is your favorite childhood novel?

2.) What is your favorite OTP (One True Pairing)?

3.) If you could make one book series into a TV show, which would it be?

4.) Favorite literary pet/animal?

5.) Your favorite lesser known book or series?

My Nominees:

(Sorry if you’ve already done this award! Feel free to skip it if you have!)

Ariana @ The Quirky Book Nerd

Jorelene @ Page Chronicles

Mariana @ Book is Glee

Carrianne @ Carrianne’s Cuppa ‘N Critiques

Emma @ The Book Crunch

Jordyn @ J. Bookish

Jessica @ The Awkward Book Blogger

The Sassy