Blog Awards: The Dragon’s Loyalty Award




Thanks to Loreva over at La Book Dreamer and Ariana at The Quirky Book Nerd for nominating me for this award! Make sure to go and check out her blog, guys! And can I just say that I really love dragons?




  1. Display the award on your blog
  2. Announce your win with a post link the blogger who awarded you
  3. Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award
  4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded
  5. Write seven interesting things about you

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7 Facts About Me That May or May Not Be Interesting

(I’m seriously running out of facts for these blog awards!)

  1. I have trouble managing my leisure time, I need to balance it between books and video games. For example all day yesterday instead of reading (like I was supposed to) I spent all day playing Tomb Raider.
  2. Have I mentioned that my favorite food is pizza yet? I forget what I’ve told you guys! But seriously I could eat pizza all day every day…..
  3. I have some trouble with anxiety, mostly when I’m in new places or around large crowds. I wouldn’t wish anxiety on my worst enemy, it truly is a horrible thing to experience.
  4. I have a small obsession with camouflage. If I see camouflage on something I will more than likely want it.
  5. I have an obsession with the Mass Effect trilogy of video games….
  6. I think I’ve mentioned before my favorite animal is a tie between a horse and an elephant, but my favorite mythical animal is definitely a dragon.
  7. One of my all time favorite TV shows is “Firefly”, seriously the BEST show ever and it’s cancelled.

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My Nominees:

(Please don’t feel obligated to do a post, I’m sorry I’ve been overwhelming you all with nominations and tags!)

Michelle @ Book Adventures

Becky @ Blogs of a Bookaholic

Astra @ A Stranger’s Guide To Novels

Anna @ My Bookish Dream

Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction