*Spoiler Free* Series Review: The Wicked + The Divine Volumes 1-4 by Kieron Gillen

I don’t think I can praise this graphic novel series enough, seriously! This is hands down the BEST ones I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading and I loved every part of it.

I’m going to be giving little mini reviews of each volume (1-4) here and each with their own rating etc.

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Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever. Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #1-5

reviewWith volume 1 here I was absolutely hooked from the get go! The premise is so unique and interesting, I mean everyone’s pop star idols are literal GODS reincarnated every 90 years and only live for 2 before they die. The only problem is that we don’t get much explanation for anything in this volume and I was left with a lot more questions than answers. I’m actually still not 100% sure of what’s going on….at all. But that’s okay because it’s still SO GOOD!

The overall mythology/world building is pretty vague but already extremely fascinating. Of course there’s loads of room for more development, which I’d love, such as exactly why the gods are reincarnated and why it’s only every 90 years etc. Anyways probably one of my favorite parts about this graphic novel is how diverse the gods are, not only with thier human bodies but with the actual gods themselves. We see gods from all different kinds of mythology and religions : Irish, Egyptian, the religion of Christianity, Norse, Shinto (a Japanese religion), Greek, Sumerian, and probably a ton more as well! I think it’s AWESOME to see some other mythologies other than the traditional Greek and Roman being represented in stories, it’s fun to learn about all of these other gods, goddesses, and deities.

The characters, if you couldn’t already tell, were a-ma-zing! As I already stated they were all very diverse characters with different races and sexualities as well as the gods themselves being from many different mythologies and religions. Laura, the main character, was really relatable one of the main reasons being that she’s a huge fangirl of the gods. She’s pretty down to Earth and feisty! I also absolutely fell in love with Luci aka Lucifer, I mean seriously her character is so badass and all around amazing. One of the greatest characters I’ve ever come across! The Morrigan is a close favorite as well since I think her character is gorgeous and also one of the more interesting gods since she’s an Irish war goddess but is a sort of 3 goddesses in 1 type of thing! Overall though each god was very different with their own unique styles and personalities so they’re pretty easy to keep track of.

The art style……..how do I even begin to gush about the stunning artwork in “The Wicked + The Divine”? It’s one of the best art styles I’ve come across in a graphic novel it’s realistic, detailed, and the color palette is absolutely beautiful! I adored how vibrant all of the colors were! I was forcing the pages in everyone’s faces so they could behold how gorgeous the art is!

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*gush, gush, gush, gush*

Also that ending is pretty brutal so I recommend having the next volume on hand!

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I think I have to say that this was my favorite volume so far (out of the 4 I’ve read) because it was very action-packed with many crazy plot twists!

Basically in this volume Laura is trying to figure out who was behind the events that occurred at the end of volume 1 and some of the gods are willing to help her out as well.

We finally get a little more insight on the gods, which I liked but I still really had no clue what all was going on and what the “bigger picture” is. I’m starting to think there isn’t really any larger plot line here at all though, which is a little disappointing.

There’s also new characters! Yay! More badass and visually pleasing gods and goddesses! I have to say I absolutely loved the addition of Inanna because he’s gorgeous and also reminds me very much of Prince which I think was the point but still! He’s perfection!

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Of course the artwork is STILL gorgeous too!

And also this is probably the most cliffhanger-y ending I’ve ever read! Definitely have volume 4 at the ready! (volume 3 is filler)

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My least favorite volume seeing as how it’s mostly just filler and doesn’t really continue the story from volume 2 at all. Also apparently James McKelvie was on a break during this volume so a bunch of guest artists were brought in to illustrate each issue so the beautiful artwork we all know and love was not present in volume 3. I honestly really hated some of the artwork too…….

I really, really, really didn’t like the art for the issue about Sakhmet’s backstory……

Basically all we get to see here is the backstories on a lot of the gods and see how they went from human to deity. My favorite origin story would definitely have to be The Morrigan and Baphomet which was also thankfully accompanied with a decent art style.

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I just felt that I couldn’t really focus that well on appreciating the backstories when that ending from volume 2 had me still screaming in agony!

My overall thoughts were that this was okay but definitely not as impressive.

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Finally answers to what the hell happened at the end of volume 2! A ton of shit goes down in this volume, there’s a lot of action and fight scenes and they are amazing! It was a lot of fun to get to see all of the gods’ powers and abilities since we haven’t seen too much of them up until this point.

Really loved getting to see Laura again and especially in this volume, no spoilers though! The characters were of course all as wonderful as they’ve been so far but we don’t really see any new characters in this volume either.

As much as the story picked up on this volume it was also very, very confusing. Once again I’m left wondering if there’s really anything else going on behind the scenes or if the only story we get to see is the “whims of the gods” type of thing. I am still hoping there’s something “bigger” going on. I’m also just very confused in general especially with that ending. The ending this time around was a little underwhelming and left me feeling curious but also not dying to know what’s going to happen next either.

I’m also glad we are back to the original art style, thank goodness!

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Overall I HIGHLY recommend checking this series out!

Links for The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act

Goodreads / Amazon / Book Depository

The Sassy

Graphic Novel Series Review *SPOILER FREE*: Amulet #1-7 by Kazu Kibuishi



****This is only the description for Amulet Volume 1!****

Graphic novel star Kazu Kibuishi creates a world of terrible, man-eating demons, a mechanical rabbit, a giant robot—and two ordinary children on a life-or-death mission.

After the tragic death of their father, Emily and Navin move with their mother to the home of her deceased great-grandfather, but the strange house proves to be dangerous. Before long, a sinister creature lures the kids’ mom through a door in the basement. Em and Navin, desperate not to lose her, follow her into an underground world inhabited by demons, robots, and talking animals.

Eventually, they enlist the help of a small mechanical rabbit named Miskit. Together with Miskit, they face the most terrifying monster of all, and Em finally has the chance to save someone she loves.


So this is a review of all the volumes that are currently out #1-7, the series is going to have 2 more volumes that will finish it out. I’m not sure on a release date for either of them though.

These are mini reviews that I’m going to keep SPOILER FREE and very short since I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone planning on reading the entire series! I’ll provide an overall review of what I thought of the series as a whole at the end of this post.

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Amulet: The Stonekeeper (#1)

This is a wonderful start to such a magical, enchanting adventure full of mysteries and action both! It pulls you headfirst into the story immediately capturing your attention with the mystery of Em and Navin’s great grandfather’s house and their mother suddenly being kidnapped by a strange creature. They then follow her down into a new, mysterious other world and from there the story really takes off!

Plenty is explained as you read through this with the right amount of information being provided and left out, making you want to read on. My only complaint is this first volume felt a little rushed since it takes a little bit for the the plot to unfold.

Amulet: The Stonekeeper’s Curse (#2)

With the second volume we finally start to see a little more character development in Em and Navin since the first one was more so setting up the plot.

We also see some new characters added into the mix that are fierce and endearing (Leon, anyone?) and of course the plot develops more as well!

Amulet: The Cloud Searchers (#3)

The journey continues with once again some new found companions that I LOVED (*cough* Trellis *cough*) and lots of little mysteries that I NEED answers for.

We also see exponential growth in Em’s character, I really enjoy watching her come into her power as a Stonekeeper.

Amulet: The Last Council (#4)

New Stonekeeper characters that are awesome and badass! More plot twists!

Amulet: Escape From Lucien (#5)

New enemies, locations, friends, and creatures! Woohoo!

Amulet: Prince of the Elves (#6)

We finally get some backstory on some very important characters and that’s really the main focus in this volume.

Amulet: Firelight (#7)

All I need to say about this volume is: THAT CLIFFHANGER DESTROYED ME!


I absolutely LOVE this graphic novel series and honestly have no complaints about them except I wish they were longer!

This is technically Middle Grade but I still found it enjoyable and I think all ages would enjoy it too since the story is just so engaging. It actually gets a little dark at times too, surprisingly.

The art is absolutely stunning, colorful, and simplistic.

It’s like fantasy mixed with science fiction since there are elves, magic, flying ships, and robots! It makes for a very interesting and imaginative combination.

Overall there’s just plenty of action and the world with it’s mysteries is very intriguing and I highly recommend this series!

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Links: Goodreads / Amazon / Book Depository

The Sassy

Mini Book Reviews: Saga, Volume 1 & 2 by Brian K. Vaughan

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Saga, Volume 1

When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe.

From bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan, Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults.


First off, I’ll be reviewing both of these as one, my thoughts for both volumes are generally the same so that’s why.

There seems to be a ridiculous amount of love for this graphic novel series, so of course I had to check it out. I’ve seen nothing but five star ratings and glowing reviews. So imagine how I felt when I read it and didn’t really feel anything. Honestly I don’t get it, while it was interesting and enjoyable enough it didn’t exactly blow my mind.

I think I had hyped this book up way too much in my mind, I mean seriously EVERYONE loves it! So getting my expectations up for this ended up not being worth it. I was pretty disappointed.

I did really like how the entire graphic novel is a blend of fantasy and scifi elements, two of my favorite things and it was done very well. The world building is pretty off the scale, it’s amazing. Of course I want more information than what’s given but hey it’s only 1 volume. All of the world building is very unique and original, it was definitely my favorite part about reading “Saga”.

Another plus for me was the artwork, it was very detailed and the color palette was gorgeous. That’s kind of all I have to say about that, I really loved it.

Now for the downsides. I wasn’t really a fan of the main characters, I thought they weren’t really super developed. Yes I know it’s only the first volume but that should be plenty of time to get attached to the characters, and I didn’t. Something about them was just dislikable to me. Honestly I thought they were kind of idiots, they have no idea what they’re doing at all. It scared me that these people were parents. Overall they just didn’t seem to make a lot of smart decisions.

While I didn’t really LOVE the main characters I did really like a lot of the secondary ones, such as Lying Cat and Izabel.

I also thought the humor was pretty crude, not only is it not really my type of humor but I don’t particularly enjoy it in my books either. This is my own personal peeve, I understand that other people do like it, it’s just not for me.

Generally I have a lot of mixed feelings on this series, I may or may not decide to continue with it. On one hand I liked a lot about it but on the other there were some things I didn’t like that were hard to look past. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. So many conflictions…..

One thing I do know for sure: I want a Lying Cat.


Sure, if you like graphic novels and want a very weird, original fantasy/scifi adventure. It’s also very adult….this is not by any means a young adult graphic novel. Just saying. I would recommend borrowing it if you can instead of buying it, it almost seems to be an acquired taste…..

Links: Goodreads / Amazon

The Sassy

Book Review: Through The Woods by Emily Carroll


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Five mysterious, spine-tingling stories follow journeys into (and out of?) the eerie abyss.

These chilling tales spring from the macabre imagination of acclaimed and award-winning comic creator Emily Carroll.

Come take a walk in the woods and see what awaits you there…


“It came from the woods. Most strange things do.”

Before I get ahead of myself I’ll let you know that “Through the Woods” is a graphic novel composed of five short, creeptastic stories. And when I tell you not to read this book while it’s dark out, best to listen. I thought “There’s no way a couple of short stories can be that creepy”, boy was I wrong.

All five of these short stories contain “quiet horror”, they aren’t “jumpy horror”. These are the kinds of stories that leave much up to your own imagination, conjuring up what you fear yourself. The endings are all very open, leaving you to determine and imagine what you think happened making it all the more scarier. Then your mind starts thinking up what you’d be afraid to have happen to yourself, I know that’s what my mind ended up doing. “Through the Woods” is very suspenseful and immensely creepy.

I will also say that there isn’t any graphic horror or violence, no blood or guts here!

I actually really enjoyed the open endings as well, which normally I wouldn’t because I like things explained and I like having all of the information. The open endings in this case, however, really fit with the horror element well.

The art work! Oh my gosh the art work for “Through the Woods” is absolutely gorgeous, by far one of my favorites now. The illustrations blended very well with each of the stories, I could gush about them all day.

Now I’ll briefly review each of the short stories!

Our Neighbor’s House – 3.5/5

Three girls left alone in a house in the woods and a mysterious “man” wandering about.

Probably one of the most open-ended and least scary of the stories, it’s also one of the shortest. Although I really enjoyed the ending for this one and not much else, it leaves the definition of man and monster up for interpretation.

A Lady’s Hands Are Cold – 4/5

A newly wedded woman that hears a strange song in her new home at night….

This one really ups the creep factor for the book as a whole, there’s some pretty eerie illustrations to match it as well. There’s a hauntingly beautiful song that got stuck in my head….which creeped me out and there’s quite the plot twist at the end!

His Face All Red – 3/5

A tale of two brothers venturing into the forest in search of a “monster”…

This story focuses more on human monsters, which is a very different kind of creepy than expected. What I enjoyed the most was the ending and how who the real monster and what its nature is, is left for us to determine.

My Friend Janna – 5/5

Two friends who play at seeing ghosts, but things change when one can actually see them….

My favorite story personally, because the illustrations were by far the creepiest in the whole book. The “monster” is of supernatural origin which to me makes this story the scariest.

The Nesting Place – 3/5

A girl goes to live with her brother and his fiance, and ends up seeing some very strange things indeed….

This story is a little harder for me to summarize than the others because it was one of the weirdest and most”meh”. Really the only creepy part was the illustrations, the story itself wasn’t all that scary or interesting and also made less sense.

in conclusion

The only reason I’m not giving this a full 5 rating is because I’m not a huge fan of very short stories and open endings, these were very well done in this case but it’s still pretty hard for me to look past. Definitely a creepy book that lives up to my horror expectations though!


Most definitely, I’d recommend this to any one who loves beautifully illustrated graphic novels as well as horror stories!

Links: Goodreads / Amazon

 The Sassy

Book Review: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

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Nimona is an impulsive young shapeshifter with a knack for villainy. Lord Ballister Blackheart is a villain with a vendetta. As sidekick and supervillain, Nimona and Lord Blackheart are about to wreak some serious havoc. Their mission: prove to the kingdom that Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin and his buddies at the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren’t the heroes everyone thinks they are.

But as small acts of mischief escalate into a vicious battle, Lord Blackheart realizes that Nimona’s powers are as murky and mysterious as her past. And her unpredictable wild side might be more dangerous than he is willing to admit.


Usually I don’t read graphic novels, the only other graphic novel I ever read was “Watchmen” which is a classic. So needless to say I don’t have a lot of experience with them, so when Ariana at The Quirky Book Nerd recommended it to me I wasn’t sure. Pretty much everyone who read it loved it and gave it raving reviews, I was intimidated. There’s no way this graphic novel could live up to that much hype, right? Wrong. “Nimona” lives up to all of the hype. For me “Nimona” is going to be a gateway book into the graphic novel world, I can just tell.

The storyline was very engaging, there’s never a dull moment in this book! I couldn’t stop turning pages until I got to the end of the book and even then I was wishing there was more. It’s pretty fast paced, I finished it in no time.

We don’t just get a straight forward plot either, nope we get a series of flashbacks as well. A glimpse of everyone’s past, kind of like a super hero origin story. It made the characters feel a lot more real and interesting. While the plot wasn’t exactly predictable there weren’t too many shocking instances either. I’m used to Gillian Flynn plot twists so it takes quite a lot to really surprise me. But that doesn’t mean you’ll see some of the twists in “Nimona” coming.

I also loved how Noelle Stevenson did the humor in “Nimona”, I swear I was laughing during more than half the book!  Nimona herself was absolutely hilarious and that’s really one of the main reasons I found the book to be so entertaining.

Speaking of Nimona, talk about a GREAT protagonist. She’s quirky, fierce, and lovable all at the same time. She does what she wants when she wants, she’s completely unpredictable and I loved it. Nimona is also very well-developed, we get to really know her personality as well as her backstory throughout the book.

Then there’s Blackheart and Goldenloin, also excellent characters. Although Goldenloin’s character, to me, really wasn’t all that important or exciting. He was kind of just there to move certain plot points along, I didn’t care for him. Sorry! I did love Blackheart though, if there was any competition for favorite character it was him (with Nimona as the winner of course). He’s supposed to be the big, bad super villain when really he’s one of the only ones with a conscience.

I also really enjoyed the relationships between Nimona and Blackheart as well as Blackheart and Goldenloin. So much friendship, it warmed my heart!

Not to mention I loved the artwork, the illustrations were so vibrant and fun! I don’t really have a ton of experience with comics illustrations but I loved Stevenson’s work!

in conclusion

I wish I could do “Nimona” more justices by writing a better and longer review but alas I cannot gush anymore.


Dang right I do! I also think this is a great “starter” graphic novel, a graphic novel for people who haven’t really read a whole lot of them. It’s a truly wonderful book!

Links: Goodreads / Amazon

The Sassy