The Holiday Drinks Book Tag

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I figured I’d post a fun tag for Christmas and this one was perfect, huge thank you to Norees @ No Reads Too Great for tagging me to do this one! Make sure to head over and check out her answers (and amazing blog) as well!

I will also link full reviews to each of my picks if you are interested, if I don’t have a full review available I will link the Goodreads page.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

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The Fall Time Cozy Book Tag

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I could have sworn I did this tag once before but I guess not! This does mean I’ll run out of fall book tags at some point though, thank goodness that day is not today. If you would like to check out more fall book tags I will list the others I have done:

I found this tag on A Novel Glimpse and it was created by Sam @ Novels and Nonsense.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Some of My Fave Book Blogs!

Top Ten Tuesday(9)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

It has now been moved over to That Artsy Reader Girl.

This is easily one of the most fun and tricky Top Ten Tuesday posts I’ve done, it’s always fun to give shout outs to my fave bloggers but at the same time how do I pick just ten?! I also tried to only include bloggers who are producing content currently. Of course there are so many more though!

****These are in no particular order and PLEASE remember that this list is by no means ALL of my favorite blogs/bloggers so don’t feel excluded if you aren’t listed here! I love you all! ****

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The Cheesy Goodness Tag

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I was tagged by my blogging buddy Destiny @ Howling Libraries, please go check out her awesome blog guys she posts super consistently and is the sweetest person ever!

I saw this tag and knew I had to do it, “Why?” you might ask. Well because I am a cheese addict and you might laugh at that but I’m serious. Dead serious. I’ve had a problem with eating too much cheese since I was a toddler, and will I stop? Never! So I’m excited to do this because I love books AND cheese.

The Rules
1. Pingback the original creator (Sydney @ Fire and Rain Books) so she can see all your cheesy goodness answers.
2. Pingback the person who tagged you!
3. Have fun!

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Christmas Song Book Tag

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It’s time for another Christmas tag! I found the questions for this over on Stephanie’s blog at Adventures of a Bibliophile, so be sure to head over and check out her answers as well!

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“You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch”: Name a villainous character you couldn’t help but love.

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This one is more in a grey area than anything since he’s not just straight up a villain but I loved Victor Vale from “Vicious”! He just had those moments that made me love him, especially with how he treated Sydney and Mitch.

“All I Want for Christmas is You”: Which book do you most hope to see under your Christmas tree?

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Well of course there are many but I would LOVE the 10th anniversary edition of “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss since it’s just so gorgeous! I NEED IT!

“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”: Name a character that overcomes major obstacles and learns to believe in themselves.

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I think Starr Carter from “The Hate U Give” fits this bill perfectly, a powerful character to match a powerful novel.

“Santa Claus is Coming to Town”: a) Which character do you think would be on the top of the naughty list? b) Which character do you think would be at the top of the nice list?

I’m agreeing with Stephanie on the first one, Umbridge is definitely at the top of the naughty list eternally. As far as the nicest character I’m just going with Taylor from “Queens of Geek” because she is honestly such a pure person and I loved her.

“Frosty the Snowman”: Which book just melts your heart.

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Once again going with “Queens of Geek” which is very romance based and I loved every minute of it.

“Feliz Navidad”: Choose a book that takes place in a country other than your own.

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I absolutely loved the Scotland setting in this book!

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”: Which holiday themed book do you use to spread the Christmas joy?

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I don’t read Christmas-y books… all…..because Christmas really isn’t my favorite holiday especially when it comes to books and movies and TV. I suppose if I could pick a non Christmas themed book though I’d go with “The Night Circus”.

“Sleigh Ride”: Which fictional character would you choose to spend the holidays with (doesn’t have to be a love interest!)

Hands down, Fred and George Weasley.

“Baby it’s Cold Outside”: Which book that you didn’t like would you sacrifice to a fire to warm yourself up in the cold?

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Forever “Blackhearts” because I am never going to forgive that synopsis. Don’t promise me pirates and a Blackbeard origin story and then give me a glorified hist-fic romance instead!

“Do You Hear What I Hear”: Which book do you think everyone should read?

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“The Hate U Give”! I could sit and chant this one all day. Read it!

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I tag anyone who wants to give this one a go!

The Sassy

The Thanksgiving Book Tag!

Top Ten Tuesday(5)

I figured I’d get a little bit ahead of the game and do my Thanksgiving Book Tag a couple days early! This tag was created by Erin & Becca and I found the tag over on Mama Kat’s Losin’ It.

(I also have reviews up for all of the books mentioned)

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1. Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line?

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As much as I adored and worshiped “Queens of Geek” it really is the kind of book that’s all fluff and no plot, the plot is some friends going to a convention but mostly the book focuses on the characters themselves and romances. I loved it though, this book is seriously amazing.

2. Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep?

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So, so, so boring/ I’m sorry but when you market a book as an origin tale for Blackbeard I expect some action and PIRACY! Not a hist-fic romance full of tropes and a love interest that is borderline abusive. No. This was so slow that you’re dang right I would have rather been sleeping.

3. Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading?

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This series is worth reading all the way through…well at least up until the latest issue since it’s not finished yet! Everything is well done from the world building to the characters and the art is seriously gorgeous!

4. Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes?

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Once you get past the first couple of chapters that set up the story it’s non stop action from there! Tons of plot twists, seriously, tons. This book will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time you’re reading it!

5. Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?

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This cover is insanely gorgeous but the book was just really slow and confusing as hell. I still don’t really know what the whole point of the book was or what even happened.

6. Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance?

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There’s actually a couple romances that I like but I would have to say Aladdin and Zahra are one of my absolute favorites. Their romance was slow burn and forbidden which are two big things I look for in bookish romances. They are so adorable, also the rest of the book is fantastic as well!

7. Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read?

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I don’t tend to go for books that can end up being corny, but I suppose one I kind of consider corny is “Paper Princess” since it really isn’t a story I take seriously. It’s one of those stories I read for the entertainment and shock value.

8. Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened?

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Seriously! Why was this book 488 pages?! Why?! It has no business being that long! It’s a slow, hist-fic romance with a very boring mystery that’s hardly a mystery. So yeah it really doesn’t need to be 488 pages of a little plot and a lot of filler.

9. Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?

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I don’t really re-read books ever so I don’t have a “go-to” book for reading slumps but I usually try and read something I know I’ll love. However, if I was going to re-read something it’d probably be a graphic novel such as “Nimona”.

10. Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

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Stuffing, definitely stuffing. I could sit and eat nothing but stuffing and be perfectly fine. I also adore cranberries too though…just saying.

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Tag! You’re It!

I tag anyone who wants to give this Thanksgiving Book Tag a go! Just be sure to tag the creators and where you saw the tag (here)!

And Happy Thanksgiving!

(Here are the questions for your copy and pasting convenience!)

1. Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line?
2. Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep?
3. Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading?
4. Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes?
5. Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?
6. Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance?
7. Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read?
8. Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened?
9. Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?
10. Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

The Sassy

Trick or Treat Round The Block Book Tag

Top Ten Tuesday (27)

I found this  tag over on Hardback Hoarder’s channel so be sure to head over and check out her video of this tag as well! This is probably going to be my last Halloween themed book tag but maybe I’ll squeeze in another, you never know.

This tag was created by The Bookish Porcupine.

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1.) Creepy house on the corner of the street: Book with a creepy cover

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It’s definitely one of the creepier covers I have seen! Also my current read and so far it’s not disappointing!

2.) Lights out (party poopers): A book you want to read when you want to escape

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Fantasy is always good to me for this and so I’ll pick a fantasy book on my TBR that I’m hoping will be completely immersive! I adore Laini’s writing style so I sure I’ll adore this book as well.

3.) The house that gives out the cheap candy: Guilty pleasure book

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Definitely “Paper Princess”. While I do mention that I loved it a bit it’s still a bit of a guilty pleasure for me because I NEVER like books like that but for some reason that one was just so addictive!

4.) The house with the best decorations on the block: Best haunting/Halloween themed cover

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It’s a perfect combination of witches and Halloween colors so I think it fits very well!

5.) The house that gives out the best candy: #1 Halloween recommendation

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Slasher Girls & Monster Boys is a great read for Halloween and since it’s an anthology of short horror stories there should be a couple stories in there for everyone, though I thought pretty much all of them were fantastic.

Speed Round:

1.) Corn Maze or Haunted House?

Haunted House! (I think they’re scarier and just more fun)

2.) Classic or Unique Costume?

Definitely unique since that’s what I try and do for all of my costumes every year!

3.) Sexy or Scary Costume?


4.) Comedy or Horror Halloween Film?

Definitely Horror!

5.) Chocolate or Sour Candy?

Both? I supposed Chocolate wins out though….

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I’m going to tag a few of my newest followers!

Tag You’re It!

****Don’t feel obligated to do this tag though!****

Mackenzie @ The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Library
Kristen @ Her Grace’s Library
Des @ Des’ Random Thoughts
Marty @ The Cursed Books
Amberry Books

The Sassy

Spooky Halloween Tag (Non-Bookish)

Top Ten Tuesday(94)

Another fun Halloween tag and one that is more for fun than anything else since this isn’t directly book related. Hopefully you’ll all have fun reading through this, answering the questions took FOREVER!

****This is a very long post so if you don’t like long posts don’t read it!****

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Spooky Halloween Tag created by Simply Kenna.

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1. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song?

“Ghostbusters” of course, it’s definitely my favorite Halloween jam!

2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.

I think the better question would be what WOULD I want to run into? Because the list is quite long for things I don’t want to see! Serial killers, rabid animals, malevolent spirits, creepy dolls, disembodied children’s voices, and anything doing that creepy ass disjointed crawling. Also if I was in the forest part of this question I wouldn’t want to run into any branches or tree roots either….just saying.

3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?

HELL NO! AND I WON’T EITHER! I just think “hey, whatever you believe in ghosts or no ghosts you still don’t want to be inviting anything you can’t see to come and talk to you”.

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4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise! Why, you may ask? I enjoy the movies and I just really love Jason, I can’t explain it!

5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?

Creepy things don’t really seem to seek me out so I don’t have many experiences with anything REALLY creepy but I have one that’s slightly serious and one that is just plain funny, both involve me by myself with my family’s dog. She put up with a lot of my crap now that I think of it, bless her.

Funny Story: One summer day back when I was still in high school I was home alone with my dog, Duchess, and heard a LOUD crash from upstairs and of course being the horror movie lover I am I definitely was NOT going to go look! Instead these thoughts ran through my mind: I’m a teenage girl, home alone, during the summer, in the woods, in the middle of nowhere, and someone may or may not have broken into the house to come murder me. So instead of grabbing a phone or even the dog I ran out the door barefoot and hid in my dad’s other garage until my mom got home! Slightly embarrassing.

So the slightly creepy story is this: once again it’s a summer night when I was home alone (no I don’t have absent family members but I did stay home a lot!) with Duchess and the power went out during a storm. I’m immediately on high alert, this is the generic set up for a lot of horror movies after all! I grab a single flashlight and hunker down in the porch corner with Duchess and sit….waiting for the power to come back on, when suddenly Duchess becomes fixated on something in the kitchen. The dark kitchen….in a corner. I aim my light over and see nothing and try to tell her to calm down since nothing was there but she remained fixated on the spot. I don’t remember what happened much after that, but it definitely creeped me the hell out!

6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?

I guess this depends on the exact context of the situation such as: do I have to do it alone? I have a ridiculously over active imagination on top of anxiety so if I was alone I would probably think all sorts of things were trying to get me and my answer would be no. Otherwise if I had at least one other person with me it could make for a very interesting experience!

7. Are you superstitious?

In the sense of “am I afraid to walk under ladders” type of superstition? No not really. In the sense of “do I believe in ghosts and psychics”? Yes, I do.

8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?

I used to when I was smaller when I was playing outside alone and such but I don’t really anymore.

9. Which urban legend scares you the most?

Definitely Bloody Mary especially after watching the Supernatural episode that features her. Another one is the “Killer in the backseat” urban legend which is exactly what it sounds like, driving alone in your car at night with a killer hiding in your backseat. I honestly always check mine before I start driving.

10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

Both, I don’t prefer one over the other!

11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?

Not really, no. Would that be awesome? Definitely.

12. Ever made a potion of any sort?

Nope. I used to try when I was kid but I never tried in a serious manner.

13. Do you get scared easily?

Not really. I can sit and watch loads of scary movies, read horror books, or go through the haunted houses people set up and while I may jump I’m always having fun and not actually scared. I’ve been watching scary movies since I was a kid because my mom loves them so I’ve kind of been desensitized to them over the years.

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?

Yes, unfortunately. My friend talked me into it at a Halloween party and we did it, against my better judgement because I do firmly believe one should not go about inviting things unseen into your house. The only thing that happened was a creepy thud against the mirror on the wall, was it someone messing with us? Could be. No one else was in the house though.

15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?

Yes, I do. This also goes hand in hand with my belief one should not go inviting unseen things into your presence.

16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?

Ha! Reminds me of the story I told in Question #5 in which case I run outside immediately regardless of things such as wearing shoes. Also I would grab my damn phone and call the cops right away too!

17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

Probably Halloween because I feel like I’d have a good chance of surviving since it’s a plain old slasher in an urban area. It’s not out in the woods in the middle of nowhere like with Friday the 13th! I am not equipped for ghosts, supernatural creatures, or fighting in my dreams but I think I could handle Michael Myers!

18. If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?

I’d probably want to wear a pirate costume forever because pirates look cool and it’d be awesome. But if I have to pick a costume I already have then I’d be Batgirl for eternity because that costume was flattering!

19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

Why not? As long as there aren’t any idiots running around being disrespectful towards the graves and the dead it’d be fine. There’s nothing inherently creepy about graveyards to me.

20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?

I’d love to be a badass lugging a chainsaw around or a sword but that’s just not practical so I’ll go with my hunting rifle since I know how to use it and it’s relatively easy to handle.

21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?

Halloween party! Sometimes they have candy too!

22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?

I think I’d be a tie between the final girl and the comic relief! I’ve seen enough horror movies to know the “rules” so I could make it to the end of the movie in that sense but also I may just be clowning around too even though I’m probably not that funny to other people!

23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?

Sometimes if the movie was that good! Usually I don’t though because as I said earlier years of scary movies have desensitized me.

24. Whilst watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?

Definitely the person who is yelling at the characters! Because come on just follow the rules, don’t be stupid, and you’ll live! Someone told you don’t go into the basement? Then don’t go into the basement!

25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?

One who does the scaring, I’m a jerk like that. I’m the person who would sit around the fire at the lake and tell stories to scare my little cousins and the person who dresses up for Halloween parties in secret just to jump out and scare people!

26. Favorite scary book?

“Daughters Unto Devils” by Amy Lukavics. It’s terrifying, gory, and twisted!

27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

Younger than I care to remember just because I’d walk into the room and my dad would be watching Child’s Play and fall asleep and my dumb ass would sit down and watch! The first one I CAN remember watching was when I was 10 and I watched The Grudge. I don’t recommend watching that young because both Child’s Play and The Grudge haunt my dreams and I’m forever terrified of disjointed crawling Asian ghosts and dolls.

28. What was your first Halloween costume?

Probably a pumpkin when I was a baby but the first real costume I remember picking for myself was Queen Amidala from Star Wars!

29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?

I’m actually going as a young Shanks from the anime Once Piece and my boyfriend is going as Trafalgar Law! If you’re familiar with that show at all you’ll know what I’m talking about, I’m super excited to wear it to parties!

30. If you could have a spooky Halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick?

Black cat! I used to have one named Tinkerbell and she was such a grump sometimes but she adored me. Black cats are gorgeous.

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Tag! You’re It!

(Don’t feel pressured to do it, you don’t have to)

If you weren’t tagged and would love to do this as well go right on ahead! Please tag me so I can read your answers as well!

Michelle @ Book Adventures

Ariana @ The Quirky Book Nerd

Anna @ My Bookish Dream

Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews

Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Larkin @ Wonderfilled Reads

Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads

The Sassy

The Leonardo DiCaprio Book Tag

The Leonardo DiCaprio Book Tag

Hello fellow book lovers!

I figured it was about time for another book tag and what better, random book tag to do than one about Leonardo DiCaprio?! Because we all love Leo, right? I know I do!

This tag was created by gingerreadslainey; video.

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1.) Growing Pains – A book you read before it was popular (or hyped-up)

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This book was one that I read way back before I started blogging and it was also before the entire trilogy was out too. So I mean “technically” I read it before it was super popular, especially since I didn’t really know if it was popular or not anyways…..still counts! I didn’t love it as much as everyone else anyways though!

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2.) Tobey Maguire – Your favorite book best friends

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I’ve got a few but the ones freshest in my mind would be Jamie, Taylor, and Charlie in “Queens of Geek”. They were all so geeky and adorable and they treated each other all so well too, positive friendships for the win!

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3.) Kate Winslet – Your OTP

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Of course I have many, many, many OTPs but the most recent one that I adore to bits and pieces would have to be Monty and Percy from “A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue”. They were both so clueless to the other’s feelings when they were clearly in love with each other, I loved that they finally got together!

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4.) Titanic – A book that made you cry or emotionally distressed

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I usually don’t cry while reading books, they have to be pretty darn sad to get me to shed actual tears. I haven’t cried while reading a book in years until I read “Red Rising” in which the first few chapters had me bawling, I had to put the book down and have a good cry about it.

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5.) Martin Scorsese – An author you will always buy their books no matter what

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I have a few other authors I’d auto-buy but V.E. Schwab is the Queen! Her books are always so unique, well-written, and full of action!

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6.) Victoria’s Secret Models – A genre you will always go back to

Fantasy is my most loved genre so of course I will always go back to it, there’s nothing like getting immersed and lost in a creative, unique, and new world!

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7.) Happy Meme Leo – A character that makes you smile

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Mark Watney from “The Martian” is honestly one of the funniest characters I’ve come across in a book. Seriously, I laughed my way through a lot of that book… know when my brain wasn’t overloading from all of the science and math bits!

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8.) Every Leo Character – Your favorite complex characters

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The best, most complex, and morally ambiguous characters can be found in “Vicious”! Seriously some of the best characters I’ve ever come across in a book, hands down!

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9.) Leonardo NoOSCARo (but now he does!) – A book that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves!

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I know I sound like a broken record but this is one of the most underrated books I’ve read and it’s just plain fantastic! A great magical realm that also combines four retellings: Sleeping Beauty, Hua Mulan, Cinderella, and Jane Austen’s Emma!

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If you love Leo and would like to give this tag I try then go right ahead and enjoy!

The Sassy

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

Top Ten Tuesday (20)

It’s my favorite time: unpopular opinion time! Maybe it’s just me but I really love reading reviews or opinions from people who are breaking the mold with hyped books! I feel that I, personally, am one of those people sometimes since I don’t usually go for super hyped books but then again I do at the same time. It’s fun to see different opinions on popular books!

I saw this tag over on Hannah’s blog Mortal Reader so be sure to head over and check out her beautiful, amazing blog as well!

****Please remember that we are all entitled to our own opinions so if you agree or disagree feel free to discuss in the comments BUT I’d appreciate if there were no “hate” comments towards my opinions or anyone elses’s in the comments!****

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A popular book you don’t like?

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I really, really wanted to like this book since it promised a magical fight to the death in a competition to be the czar’s enchanter in a fantasy Russian setting. However, I thought it was really tedious with the over the top love triangle, lack of extravagant magical displays, and the other lack of actual fighting to the death.

It was definitely a hyped book last year and it seems a lot of other people DID enjoy it so it seems I’m a bit in the minority.

You can read my full review of “The Crown’s Game” here!

A book series everyone hates but you love?

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I actually can’t really think of any books people HATE that I did like but “The Bone Witch” is probably the closest thing to it. A TON of people did not enjoy this book and found it to be really boring but I really enjoyed it! It was a bit slower paced but I understood that Chupeco was working up the plot and world building and it was definitely interesting enough to keep me reading. I’m all about those dark magic witches!

You can read my full review of “The Bone Witch” here!

A love triangle where the MC ends up with the person you didn’t want them to?

DON’T HATE ME! I really, really didn’t like Ginny all that much and I really didn’t like that Harry ended up with her. I would have much rather seen Harry end up with Hermione. (basically I go against every love triangle or love interest in books, I always root for the underdog!)

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A popular genre you rarely reach for?


I will on occasion pick up contemporary books especially if they’re not mostly romance. However, seeing as a lot of YA contemporaries are romance based I definitely don’t reach for them that much. I will pick them up but only if they have a TON of amazing reviews!

A popular beloved character you didn’t like?

Celaena Sardothien

To be fair I’m only basing this off of just reading “Throne of Glass” but I really didn’t like Celaena at all. She was all talk and no action in my opinion, I wanted to see exactly why she’s the most feared and deadly assassin and yet she spends most of her time mooning over boys, dresses, and shoes.

A popular author you can’t seem to get into?

Cassandra Clare

Not a big fan and unless she writes something outside of her shadowhunter world I probably will continue to not be a big fan. I really didn’t enjoy “City of Bones” at all and if the rest of the series are all similar I won’t be reading those either.

Popular trope you’re tired of seeing?

Love Triangles

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I would love to actually see this trope become completely eradicated because I really don’t like it. Is this really an unpopular opinion though? I feel that I see a lot of other people who don’t like love triangles either.

Anyways I just don’t buy into them unless they’re very, very believable or that I genuinely think both options are suitable.

Popular series you have no interest in reading?

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I just feel like this series doesn’t have anything that interests me, a competition to win over a Prince with lots of dresses? No thanks I’ll pass.

The saying goes “the book is always better than the movie” but what movie do you prefer more than the book?

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The Da Vinci Code maybe? I don’t usually like anything truly better than the book but this is probably the closest one since the movie follows the book quite closely and I really did like the movie.

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If you’d like to do this tag then consider yourself tagged!

What are some of your unpopular opinions?

Do you agree or disagree with any of the books, characters, or authors I listed?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy