Book Recs: Tearjerkers

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Back at ya with another book recommendation post! You guys voted for them and seem to enjoy them so here’s my “tearjerkers” rec post, these (of course) are all books that had me tearing up. It doesn’t take much though to be honest! These books really knew how to tug at the heart strings though!

Here are some books that had me bawling, weeping, and cursing the author’s name. But here I am….convincing you all to read them and suffer the same fate. Fun!

This post is SPOILER FREE although some of you may consider it to be spoiler-y just to say there’s something sad that happens. Nonetheless I won’t be specifying what in any details that will spoil the plot for you all!

PLEASE let me know in the comments if you’d like to see any other kind of recommendation posts!

Each book title will be linked to my full review with the synopsis if you’d like more info!

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Book Recs: Insane Plot Twists

I recently ran a poll on Twitter asking what kind of book recommendation posts you guys would like to see first! I will be doing all three of the options (Tearjerkers, Morally Grey Characters, & this one Insane Plot Twists) but this one did win the poll so I’ll do it first. Basically the following books all had me like:

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PLEASE let me know in the comments if you’d like to see any other kind of recommendation posts!

Each book title will be linked to my full review with the synopsis if you’d like more info!

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Halloween Recs: Monsters, Horrors, & Other Stuff of Nightmares

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This recommendation post is pretty generalized, essentially these are the horror books that have “monsters” in them or other supernatural creatures. They don’t quite fit the “zombie, ghost, or demon” bill or they may have all of them in one book so they get categorized altogether here! These are all pretty different books otherwise!

If you’re interested in any of these and want more info please click each title for my full review!

Other Halloween Rec Posts:

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Halloween Recs: Double, Double Toil & Trouble (Witches)

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Another round of Halloween recommendations! This time I’m doing some of my favorite witchy books, I sadly haven’t read a ton of these so if you have any recommendations for me as well let me know in the comments.

If you’re interested in any of these and want more info please click each title for my full review!

Other Halloween Rec Posts:

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Book Recs: Best Books Under 300 Pages!

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This doesn’t include novellas or graphic novels!

I was trying to think of a post I could do of book recommendations that kind of broke the mold a little bit. You know, not the typical “fantasy recs” or “sci-fi recs” (which I still love by the way!). PLUS everyone could use a good, short book every once in a while right?

I will link each title to my full review as well, if you’re interested!

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Non-Romance Book Recommendations for Valentine’s Day

Top Ten Tuesday(21)

Ya know, because some of us just don’t see what’s so great about Valentine’s Day! I’m sure there will be TONS of posts out there about what romance books to read or favorite romances but since I’m not big on romance myself, I decided to do a post of NON-ROMANCE books! Or just books that romance isn’t the focus in.

These aren’t in any particular order and I will link up my reviews if I have them!

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This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

One of the major reasons I liked this book was because there weren’t any of the typical YA romance tropes present: no love triangles or insta-love! We got a nice friendship between the two main characters and it could possibly develop into a romance but it didn’t in the first book here. So refreshing!

You can read my full review here.

Slasher Girls & Monster Boys stories selected by April Genevieve Tucholke

Sometimes I find that horror books, as with horror movies, are filled with cliched romances but this little anthology isn’t the case! There are stories for just about every horror lover in here with monsters, serial killers, curses, and Death itself. And none involve romance with the exception of Danielle Page’s story but I recommend steering clear of that mess.

You can read my full review here.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

If you want to be emotionally wrecked by a non-romance book on Valentine’s Day, this is the book for you. This is more sci-fi mixed with coming of age, there are two adorable kids and a talking dog.

You can read my full review here.

Night Film by Marisha Pessl

This book is hard to explain because it’s sort of horror mixed with mystery/thriller, but it’s absolutely 100% addicting. It’s 600 some pages long and it felt shorter than that because the story was so intriguing. Romance isn’t the focus at all in this book just pure suspense! It’s a great “rainy day read” but in this case it’s a great book to stay at home and read this Valentine’s Day!

A Conspiracy of Stars by Olivia A. Cole

There is a tiny bit of romance in this book but it’s so small it’s like it isn’t even there! Plus you’ll be too swept up in the plot and gorgeous world building of this YA sci-fi to notice.

You can read my full review here.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Hmm how about instead of romance you read something with morally gray characters who also happen to have awesome super powers? Yes, I think that’s a great idea too.

You can read my full review here.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

There is a bit of romance in this book but once again it isn’t the main focus whatsoever, instead the focus is more on the love between Starr and her family. The family dynamic in this book is so, so fantastic and of course the story is important for more than this reason as well as it explores police brutality and the Black Lives Matter Movement. I can find a reason to recommend this book ALL the time, trust me, so why not Valentine’s Day?

You can read my full review here.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

The overall motivation of the main character involves a romance but this is not a romance book at all, way too twisted and dark. If you want crazy plot twists in your life, you will find them here!

You can read my full review here.

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Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

In this short novella there is discussion of romantic relationships but they aren’t the focus, instead the focus is on the fantastic world building. These characters have all been to different worlds and must cope with returning to our world, it’s similar to Alice going down the rabbit hole and the Pevensie children going into Narnia.

You can read my full review here.

Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry

This is a very dark, twisted retelling of Peter Pan told from the POV of James Hook and is the origin story of his rivalry with Pan. It’s a very unique and creative retelling, I highly recommend checking it out if you’re a fan of Peter Pan and of course there’s no romance!

You can read my full review here.

Dreamfall by Amy Plum

This is another book whose genre is hard to pinpoint, it’s about a group of children/teenagers who suffer from insomnia going into an experiment that is supposed to help them. Instead they are all thrown into a shared dreamscape in which they have to battle through their nightmares. It’s nice that there was no romance to distract from the thrills!

You can read my full review here.

Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

This is what “Throne of Glass” should have been like: badass assassins and a badass competition with NO insta-love or love triangles!! You’ll find a generfluid thief/assassin fighting in a competition to become one of the queen’s assassins, nothing but romance-free action and adventure here!

You can read my full review here.

The Hollow Girl by Hillary Monahan

This book isn’t for the faint hearted, it is very gory and graphically violent as the plot focuses on a girl seeking revenge for her rape. The rape IS depicted off page but it’s still hard to read through. However, it’s a fantastic story involving a Romany main character who uses magic/witchcraft to collect special “ingredients” from the boys who assaulted her in order to save a friend. Obviously there isn’t any romance.

You can read my full review here.

The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas

This is a pretty dark and twisted YA mystery/thriller, I did NOT see those twists coming at all! I like that there was no romance to take away from the plot and overall suspense, it means there’s more time to tell a great story.

You can read my full review here.

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

There is a tiny bit of side romance that develops later but if you read the book you’ll know why I’m saying it’s not really romantic. It’s nice when there’s a fantasy that doesn’t focus on a romantic relationship and instead focuses on world building, plot twists, and characters like “Stormdancer” does.

You can read my full review.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Sure there’s a romance we would all LIKE to develop in this book but ultimately there isn’t any romance. Schwab, if you couldn’t already tell, is kind of the Queen of writing fantastic books that don’t use romance as a focal point. Instead we get great characters, great world building, and a great plot to focus on instead!

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Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

What do you think of these recommendations?

What are some of your favorite non-romance books?

Would you rather read romance or non-romance on Valentine’s Day?

Let me know in the comments!

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The Sassy

Halloween Horror Recommendations!

Top Ten Tuesday(90)

My FAVORITE part of October is getting the chance to recommend some of my favorite horror books to you all! I mean to be honest I can recommend these whenever I want but it’s more fun to do it in October!

These are all books that fall 100% into the horror genre in my opinion whether they’re actually terrifying or just an entertaining read or whether they’re full of spirits/monsters or deal with serial killers and slashers.

***I will be doing another post here soon of Halloween Recommendations for those of you who want a book that isn’t necessarily scary or horror! So some “non-spooky” books!***

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Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

(Review Here)

This is about a male teen, Cas, who hunts ghosts in his spare time and now he’s on the hunt for Anna, a vengeful spirit who murders anyone who sets foot in her home. Except she spares Cas’s life.

I highly, highly recommend this for any other Supernatural fans out there as it really has the feel to the story!

Slasher Girls & Monster Boys stories selected by April Genevieve Tucholke

(Review Here)

A YA horror anthology with some top notch stories! There were only a couple of duds in here but for the most part they were all excellent and definitely scary.

The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco

(Review Here)

This story follows a vengeful spirit who wreaks havoc on those who murder or do harm to children. She meets a strange boy the sucks her in but the boy has a dark secret that she wasn’t expecting…

Okay so with this one I know a few people didn’t enjoy it but I am absolutely terrified of any stories that are even remotely reminiscent of The Ring or The Grudge and have disjointed bodies crawling out of things. That’s all one big nope for me so naturally this story scared the shit out of me!

The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich

(Review Here)

This is a psychological thriller with a creepy twist, is it supernatural or is it something else? The story is told through video transcripts, journal entries, and newspaper clippings and the events all lead up to what ends in mysterious fire that killed three students and one, Carly Johnson, disappeared. In the ruins they find a diary that belonged to Carly’s twin sister, Kaitlyn, except Carly didn’t have a twin…..

I recommend this one for people who want more suspense than horror, it gets a little creepy but never anything super scary!

Alice by Christina Henry

(Review Here)

Trigger Warnings: Rape and other graphic violence

This is one where people are the monsters and it’s very violent and graphic. It’s a retelling of “Alice in Wonderland” that’s very dark and gritty I definitely don’t recommend this to the faint of heart, you’ll have to steel your stomach for this one. However, I recommend it to anyone who thinks they can brave it because it is still an excellent story!

Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

(Review Here)

You wouldn’t think that a graphic novel compiled of several short stories would be that scary but it is, it really is! These stories are open ended for the most part and that leaves more to your imagination in which case you’ll probably scare yourself thinking of it like I did! The illustrations are both terrifying and beautiful at the same time.

I highly recommend this if you’re looking for a quick horror read and you don’t mind open ended stories.

A Drop of Night by Stefan Bachmann

(Review Here)

This is kind of a thriller/action-adventure/horror all rolled into one. It follows a group of teens who are invited to help explore a recently discovered underground palace in France. However, there’s something else waiting for them in the depths of the palace.

Kind of an odd story but I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a very fast-paced, suspenseful read!

The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

(Review Here)

A boy named Will Henry finds himself studying under Dr. Pellinore Warthrop who happens to be a monstrumologist, someone who studies monsters.

Pretty straight forward, this is a historical fiction and it’s a pretty dark horror story because on top of the creepy monsters there’s also just a lot of gore in general. You may get squeamish!

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Daughters Unto Devils by Amy Lukavics

(Review Here)

Honestly this is one of my favorites on the list!

It’s about a pioneer family who moves out onto the prairie with a teenage daughter who is desperately trying to hide her pregnancy. However, they arrive and find a new home that was abandoned with the walls and floors covered in blood and they’ve heard rumors of the prairie being tainted by evil.

This is a wonderful mix of terrifying, gory, and twisted. You definitely will not see the twists coming at all! I recommend this one for the horror lovers out there who want to be scared silly, this one is a treat!

Welcome to the Dark House by Laurie Faria Stolarz

(Review Here)

A group of teen contest winners all get whisked away out into the middle of nowhere to meet horror director Justin Blake. However, things start to get weird and soon they’re all trapped in a game of nightmares.

This reads exactly like a classic slasher horror movie so if you’re a fan of those you’re probably going to love this one! It’s entertaining but don’t expect a lot of depth.

And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich

(Review Here)

One of my other favorites plus I love the cover!

Two girls, Silla and Nori,  arrive at their aunt’s manor in the forest and soon learn that everything is not right and the manor may be cursed. They aren’t allowed to enter the woods, the trees feel like they’re closing in around the house, and there’s a strange man with no eyes who Nori plays with in the basement at night…..

So creepy and so good! The Creeper Man will definitely be haunting your dreams after reading this one….

The Merciless by Danielle Vega

(Review Here)

Four girls gang up on an outcast tying her up and attempting to perform an exorcism on her. However, it’s more torture than anything else and Sofia, the new girl, wants out but if she goes against the others she may be next…

This one isn’t too creepy or scary but it definitely is full of twisted mean girls, gore galore, and some demonic possession!

If any of those things interest you I’d recommend checking this one out!

The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics

(Review Here)

Lucy and Margaret are cousins who live with their respective parents in a mansion in the middle of the woods, one day Margaret’s mother goes missing and she slowly starts to believe she can hear her dead mother’s voice in the walls. Lucy watches as Margaret slowly goes insane and she soon starts hearing voices as well and must confront the legacy that has marked the women in her family for generations.

Not as good as “Daughters Unto Devils” but still very twisted and creepy! Most of the book is a bit slow but the ending makes it all worth it!

Dreamfall by Amy Plum

(Review Here)

A group of teenagers enter an experiment that is supposed to help cure their insomnia but instead find themselves all trapped within a dreamworld made up of their worst nightmares.

I thought this was going to be more sci-fi than anything but was surprised by how scary it actually got! There are definitely some very creepy nightmares the kids have to make it through.

Night Film by Marisha Pessl

This one can be both scary horror and suspenseful thriller, there are some supernatural elements to the story and the situations themselves can get pretty terrifying.

A journalist, Scott McGrath, investigates the death of Ashley Cordova, the daughter of the mysterious horror film director Stanislas Cordova. He believes there’s more to her death than anyone knows and as he digs deeper he discovers more and more disturbing things about the family and wonders if he may be next.

If you want a very dark, gritty, and terrifying thriller this one is for you. It’s extremely compelling and fast paced.

The Hollow Girl by Hillary Monahan

(Review Here)

Trigger Warning: Rape, violence, and gore

A Romani girl studying herbcraft under her Gran’s teaching befriends an outsider but on her way home one day they are both jumped and brutally assaulted leaving her friend on the brink of death. She must now utilize her dark witchcraft to extract body parts from the boys who wronged her in order to save her friend.

If revenge stories are up your alley this one is very satisfying and I loved the addition of the witchcraft. However, if you can’t handle gore or graphic violence maybe leave this one alone.

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Have you read any of these? What did you think?

Are you going to give any of these horror books a try?

What are some of your favorite scary horror books?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Recs for People Who Love Fast-Pacing

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jamie @ The Broke and the Bookish.

I have missed doing Top Ten Tuesday memes! Finally they’re back though and today’s theme is “Book Recommendations For:______” so basically fill in the blank any way we want! I wanted to be a little more creative with these recommendations because I’ve done quite a few before and came up with “Fast Pacing” because who doesn’t love a book that just keeps going and going at fast speed? So here are a few books I could not put down whatsoever!

I will also link up my full reviews for each book if you’d like to know a little more about them! These are also in no particular order.

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10.) An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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This is a YA fantasy thats world building is ancient Rome inspired and right from the get go this book is super intense, action-packed, and of course fast paced. The story grows more and more complex as it goes on and it’s just one twist after the other, it will definitely have you on the edge of your seat!

You can read my full review of “An Ember in the Ashes” here.

9.) Red Rising by Pierce Brown

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If I had to pitch to you why you should read “Red Rising” I would simply describe it as “The Hunger Games on steroids” because essentially that’s what it is. It’s a sci-fi/dystopian where a color coded caste system is in place and a low Color must infiltrate an academy for a rebel cause and also to exact his own revenge. So much action and so many twists!

You can read my full review of “Red Rising” here.

8.) A Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

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This is about a young man’s Grand Tour of the Continent in the early 1700’s and ends up getting his friend, who he is in love with, and his sister in to a great deal of trouble. This is full of one problem after the other for the characters and his hilarious and fast paced all at once! I think what really makes this so quick and easy to read is Mackenzi Lee’s fantastic writing.

You can read my full review of “A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue” here.

7.) The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid

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Nemesis is a Diabolic, an engineered body guard, who ends up disguising herself as her charge in order to protect her at the galactic court. While the first few chapters of this story aren’t very exciting it sets the stage for a very action packed, twisty plot!

You can read my full review of “The Diabolic” here.

6.) Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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If I was going to pick one of the fastest paced books I’ve ever read it’d probably be “Illuminae”! Not only is this book very uniquely formatted with many drawings, diagrams, fonts, and layouts it’s also 600 pages and just gets your adrenaline pumping! It’s kind of hard to understand how a 600 page book would be fast paced but if you read it you will understand! There’s nothing but constant action and plot twists! And it’s all in space!

You can read my full review of “Illuminae” here.

5.) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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This is also a pretty hefty sized YA fantasy book that took no time at all to fly through! It’s about a group of characters pulling off a heist so you can imagine how thrilling and full of action it is with many plot twists along the way. Worth all of the hype, I promise you!

You can read my full review of “Six of Crows” here.

4.) Vicious by V.E. Schwab

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This is about two men who gained super human powers by having near death experiences and are both bent on ending the other person. This is such a unique book full of wonderfully twisted characters, it’s highly addictive and each chapter ends with its own mini cliffhanger! The suspense and need to know what happens next will definitely have you flying through this book.

You can read my full review of “Vicious” here.

3.) A Drop of Night by Stefan Bachmann

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This is a horror and thriller mixed together about a girl who was chosen along with others to excavate a large underground palace in France, however, nothing really goes according to plan and there’s something evil lurking in the depths. Super fast-paced with many twists and turns there is very little time wasted at the beginning of the book and we are almost immediately dropped into the good stuff right away!

You can read my full review of “A Drop of Night” here.

2.) The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater

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Another super hyped series here all about a girl who is destined to kill her true love with a kiss and a boy’s search for an ancient, magical Welsh King. Sorry but that’s just how I sum up the story here, there’s so much more to it I know! However, I thought that the thirst for answers to things happening in the story made this book fly by and feel super fast-paced!

You can read my full review of “The Raven Boys” here.

1.) The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas

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A super fast paced mystery/thriller about a girl and her friend who wrongly accused someone for murder and now must catch the real killer before it’s too late. This story is completely unpredictable with so many jaw-dropping revelations, you won’t see the ending coming!

You can read my full review for “The Darkest Corners” here.

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Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

What are some of your favorite fast paced books?

What books did you recommend for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy

Book Recommendations: Retellings

Top Ten Tuesday(76)

Hello fellow book lovers!

Time for a couple more book recommendations! Woohoo! I absolutely love giving out book recommendations but unfortunately I don’t have a ton to ever recommend usually since I read so many different genres and sometimes I don’t like the book! However, I have a decent amount of retellings that I adored so I wanted to share a couple of them with all of you!

I will provide links to my full reviews of each book if you want some more details!

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Alice (The Chronicles of Alice #1) by Christina Henry,204,203,200_.jpg

This is one of my most favorite books of all time and definitely one of the top retellings! This is a very, very dark, horrific, and graphic version of “Alice in Wonderland” where the characters we all know and love are twisted versions of themselves. I have to say it’s one of the most unique retellings I’ve ever come across since it takes elements of the original story and does so many different things with them including making them absolutely horrifying.

So if you’re a fan of Alice retellings and aren’t afraid to see the darkest side of it then definitely check this one out!

You can read my full review of “Alice” here.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

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Another wonderful “Alice in Wonderland” retelling that is also an origin story for the Queen of Hearts character. While the beginning half of the book was pretty slow and filled with descriptions of food and moony eyes, the end half was full of action and plot twists! It was really fun getting to see all of the different characters come into play as well!

You can read my full review of “Heartless” here.

The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury

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This is an AMAZING “Aladdin” retelling where the genie is a female and falls in love with Aladdin. However, there is plenty of action and great world building so this isn’t just a romance focused story! On top of the unique plot there is Khoury’s beautiful writing, seriously it’s just so gorgeous and made reading this book such a breeze! There is also some kickass feminist themes as well since Princess Caspida and her Watchmaidens are basically Robin Hood and are super badass.

You can read my full review of “The Forbidden Wish” here.

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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A “Peter Pan” retelling that centeralizes around the character of Tiger Lily, it’s narrated by Tinkerbell as she watches Tiger Lily grow and eventually watches the romance the develops between her and Peter Pan. It’s a very warped version of Neverland that we see in this story it’s dark and very saddening. Overall I highly recommend reading this one just for the unique take on Neverland as well as the story of Tiger Lily but be warned you’re probably going to cry!

You can read my full review of “Tiger Lily” here.

Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry

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Another “Peter Pan” retelling but, as the title states, it’s the origin story of Captain Hook. Like with “Alice” Christina Henry takes the Neverland we all know and love and flips it upside down, this is a dark and very gritty version filled with many horrors both monstrous and more realistic. Trust me when I say you probably won’t be the biggest fan of Peter anymore……

You can read my full review of “Lost Boy” here.

Kingdom of Ash and Briars by Hannah West

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This is it’s own unique story but it also weaves in four other retellings throughout as well. That’s right, four! We get to see Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hua Mulan, and Jane Austen’s Emma and while I can’t really speak for the Emma retelling I can tell you the other three are well represented within the main story line. I recommend checking this book out for the great story and world building alongside the retellings too!

You can read my full review of “Kingdom of Ash and Briars” here.

The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember

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This is a “Little Mermaid” retelling with a F/F romance and quite a bit of Norse mythology weaved in as well. While I did have a couple problems with this book I generally did really enjoy it and thought it was a really unique take on the “Little Mermaid” story as well as adding in a bunch of original elements as well.

You can read my full review of “The Seafarer’s Kiss” here.

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Have you read any of these books yet? What did you think?

What are some of your favorite retellings?

Let me know in the comments!

The Sassy

Books I Forget To Recommend!

Top Ten Tuesday(64)

These are just a few books that I feel like I don’t talk about enough on my blog but still enjoyed! They could use a little more love!

I will link up reviews if I have them!

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The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

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This is the book I read the most recently on this list and I STILL feel like I don’t mention it enough! I absolutely loved Chupeco’s other book “The Girl From The Well” and so I was ecstatic when I got an ARC of “The Bone Witch” which is YA Fantasy, my favorite genre! This is a very dark fantasy story and I absolutely loved the writing style and world building, although the pacing could be slow at times.

You can read my full review of “The Bone Witch” here.

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova

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A diverse and magical read that I feel doesn’t get enough love! The cover is absolutely gorgeous and I loved the magic system as well as the family dynamic!

You can read my full review of “Labyrinth Lost” here.

Paper Princess by Erin Watt

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I loved this book so much I couldn’t express my love in a review quite yet, I’m probably going to do a mini review here sometime. This was extremely addictive and kept me turning pages, it’s a very “trashy” novel in the same way that soap operas are “trashy”. They definitely hold your attention with their drama!

Welcome To The Dark House by Laurie Faria Stolarz

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A YA horror book that has some great characters and is pretty fast paced, it reads exactly like your traditional slasher horror movie but with some unique twists. Definitely a great book for any YA horror lovers out there!

You can read my full review of “Welcome To The Dark House” here.

A Drop of Night by Stefan Bachmann

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This book was a very unique blend of horror and thriller where a group of kids become trapped in an ancient underground palace in France. I don’t want to give too much away but this book will definitely get your adrenaline pumping!

You can read my full review of “A Drop of Night” here.

The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine

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The magic system and world building in this book are FANTASTIC and so, so unique! Those two reasons alone are enough for me to recommend this book!

You can read my full review of “The Impostor Queen” here.

The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

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A historical fiction with monsters! Woohoo! Plus the Doctor is pretty swoon-worthy and the monsters are actually pretty terrifying and gory. Definitely not a book for the squeamish or faint of heart!

You can read my full review of “The Monstrumologist” here.

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

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I did enjoy this book but still had a couple problems with it but Kate, the MC, is pretty badass! Plus there really aren’t enough YA western books and that cover is so gorgeous!

You can read my full review of “Vengeance Road” here.

The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow

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This book definitely won’t be up everyone’s alley but I enjoyed it a lot, it’s about an insane(ly, funny) AI that took over the world and uses the world leader’s children as hostages to keep world peace. It’s awesome.

You can read my full review of “The Scorpion Rules” here.

Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor

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Do I need reasons to recommend any of Laini Taylor’s books? Her world building and mythology is flawless and her writing is so, so beautiful!

You can read my full review of “Lips Touch: Three Times” here.

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The Sassy